Formula Games
Formula games are formal games between two players:
- The “game board” is the formula.
- The Yes player tries to show that the formula is true.
- The No player tries to show that the formula is false.
There is always a winning strategy for one of the players.
Formula Games for Propositional Logic
Games are defined as so:
- There is a game state: formula $\phi$ and a valuation.
- So for every atom $p$, it is known whether $p$ is true.
- If $\phi=p$ then one player immediately wins:
- If $p$ is true then Yes wins.
- If $p$ is false then No wins.
- If $\phi=\neg\psi$, then the players switch places and continue to play with $\psi$.
If $\phi=\psi_1\vee\psi_2$ then the Yes player chooses $\psi_1$ or $\psi_2$, the game continues with that formula.
We want to try and choose the one which we can prove to be true.
If $\phi=\psi_1\wedge\psi_2$ then the No player choose $\psi_1$ or $\psi_2$, the game continues with that formula.
We want to try and choose the one which we can prove to be false.
- If $\phi=\psi_1\implies\psi_2$ then the Yes player chooses $\neg\psi_1$ or $\psi_2$, the game continues with this formula.
- If $\phi=\psi_1\iff\psi_2$, then the No player chooses $\psi_1\implies\psi_2$ or $\psi_2\implies\psi_1$, the game continues with that formula.
Example Game 1
Formula: $p\iff (p\wedge q)$
Valuation: $p$ is true, $q$ is false
- P2 (No): chooses $p\implies(p\wedge q)$
- P1 (Yes): chooses $\neg p$
- Players switch places and game continues with $p$.
- P2 (Yes): $p$ is true to Yes wins.
Player 2 started out as No, and both players played optimally. So $p\iff(p\wedge q)$ was false.
If either player chose the other option then their strategy would be suboptimal and you then can’t use the outcome of the game to determine whether the formula is true.
Formula Game in Modal Logic
A formula game in modal logic is defined like so:
- Game state: a formula $\phi$ and pointed model $M,w$.
- If $\phi=p$, then Yes wins if $w\in V(p)$.
- No wins if $w\notin V(p)$.
- If $\phi=\square\psi$ then No chooses a successor $w_2$ of $w$. The game continues with $\psi$ and $M,w_2$.
- If no successor exists, Yes wins.
- If $phi=\lozenge\psi$ then Yes chooses a successor $w_2$ of $w$. The game continues with $\psi$ and $M,w_2$.
- If no successor exists, No wins.
The rules from propositional logic also apply.
Example Game 2
direction LR
w1: w1<br>p, q
w2: w2<br>q
w3: w3<br>p
w1 --> w2
w1 --> w3
w2 --> w4
w3 --> w1
w3 --> w4
Game Start: $w_1$
Formula: $\lozenge\square(\square p\vee\lozenge r)$
- P1 (Yes): chooses successor $w_2$. Game continues on $M,w_2$ with $\square(\square p\vee \lozenge r)$.
- P2 (No): chooses successor $w_4$ (they have no choice). Game continues on $M,w_4$ with $\square p\vee\lozenge r$.
- P1 (Yes): chooses $\square p$. Continues on $M,w_4$ with $\square p$.
- P2 (No): can’t choose a successor. Yes wins.
Both players played optimally, so Yes wins because $M,w_1\vDash\lozenge\square(\square p\vee\square r)$