COMP207 (Databases)
This is a basic technique for data-mining.
Market-Basket Data
Data can be described by:
- A set of items $I$.
- A set of baskets $B$:
- Each basket $b\in B$ is a subset of $I$.
For example:
Purchase ID |
Items Bought |
101 |
milk, bread, cookies, juice |
792 |
milk, juice |
1130 |
milk, bread, eggs |
1735 |
bread, cookies, coffee |
In this table:
- $I=$ all unique items that were bought.
- {bread, coffee, eggs, juice, milk}
- $B=$ the set of baskets represented by each purchase ID.
Frequent-Itemset Mining
Consider for the previous table we are asked:
Which items occur frequently together in a basket?
Given a set of items $I$ and a set of baskets $B$:
- The support of a subset $J$ of $I=$ frequency with which the items in $J$ occur together in a basket in $B$.
Therefore to calculate the support of a set of items $J$ we can use:
\[\frac{\text{number of baskets in }B\text{ containing all items in }J}{\text{number of baskets in }B}\]
The support of {milk, juice} $=\frac 2 4=0.5$ as the set is contained in two out of the four baskets.
There are additional examples of calculating support at the end of the lecture.
Frequent Itemsets
A subset $J$ of $I$ is frequent if its support is at least $s$:
- $s$ - Support threshold specified by the user.
There are examples of classifying frequent itemsets and frequent pairs at the end of the lecture.
Complex Tables
Sometimes we have tables with additional columns which make the baskets hard to define:
Purchase ID |
Customer ID |
Items Bought |
101 |
A |
milk, bread, cookies, juice |
792 |
B |
milk, juice |
1130 |
A |
milk, bread, eggs |
1735 |
C |
bread, cookies, coffee |
Customer Baskets
We could define the baskets as per customer:
- This would mean one basket per
Customer ID
- Only add distinct items to the basket of the customer.
We can also do this with respect to any of the other basket columns, such as Purchase ID
This would generate the following table:
Customer ID |
Items Bought |
A |
milk, bread, cookies, juice, eggs |
B |
milk, juice |
C |
bread, cookies, coffee |
We then define all other notion using this new table and the following language:
The support of a set $J$ with respect to the customers.
This is the support of $J$ computed using the new set of baskets.
$J$ is frequent with respect to the customers.
If its support with respect to the customers is at least the support threshold.
There is an additional example on slide 8 of the lecture with generic item names.
Association Rules
This is a variant of frequent-item mining queries.
They take the form:
\[\{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_n\}\Rightarrow j\]
For example:
Properties of Association Rules
The support of ($i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_n,j$) must be high otherwise the association won’t have any meaning.
We can calculate confidence like so:
\[\frac{\text{support of }\{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_n,j\}}{\text{support of }\{i_1,i_2,\ldots,i_n\}}\]
This is the percentage of people who bought all of the items vs those who just bought the indicator items.
- This should also be high.
- Should differ significantly from fraction of baskets containing $j$.
We could phrase this association like:
67% of all customers who bought milk also bought juice.
There are examples of calculating confidence starting at slide 11 of the lecture.
Finding Association Rules
- Focus on assocation rules with high support:
- At lease the support threshold $s$.
- Compute the set $F$ of all itemsets $J$ with support $\geq s$.
- From $F$ it is easy to obtain the association rules:
- For each set $J$ in $F$ and each $j$ in $J$, consider the rule $\{j\}\Rightarrow j$.
- Compute the confidence for $\{j\}\Rightarrow j$ and compare with the percent of baskets containing $j$
A-Priori Algorithm
The goal is compute all the itemset $J$ with support $\geq s$. The idea is that:
\[\text{If }J\text{ has support }\geq s\text{, then all subsets of }J\text{ have support }\geq s\text{.}\]
Using this we compute frequent itemsets from smaller ones:
- $F_1:=$ itemsets $\{i\}$ with support $\geq s$.
- $F_2:=$ itemsets $\{i,j\}$ with $\{i\},\{j\}\in F_1$ and support $\geq s$.
- $F_3:=$ itemsets $\{i,j,k\}$ with $\{i,j\},\{i,k\},\{j,k\}\in F_1$ and support $\geq s$.
- …
- Input:
- The set of items $I$.
- The set of baskets $B$.
- Max size $q$.
- Support threshold $s$.
- Output - Subsets $J$ of $I$ with $\lvert J\rvert\leq q$ and support $\geq s$.
C1 := {{i} : i∈I}
for k = 1 to q do
Fk := {J ∈ Ck : J has support ≥ s}
if k = q then stop
Ck+1 := {J ⊆ I : |j| = k + 1 and all subsets of J of size k occur in Fk}
This is a more general form of OLAP. They refer to the discovery of patterns or knowledge in data
Applications of Data-Mining
- Deviation Detection - Identifying anomalies such as intruders.
- Link Analysis - Trying the discover links between attributes.
- These can be used to make association rules.
- Predictive Modelling - Trying to predict future behaviour of certain attributes in the data base on pas behaviour.
- Database Segmentation - Grouping data by similar behaviour.
- Group customers based on spending habits.
- Group customers based on reaction of a marketing campaign.
Types of Discovered Knowledge
- Association Rules:
- People who buy nappies buy beer.
- Classification Hierarchies:
- Classification of mutual funds based on performance data characteristics such as growth, income and stability.
- Sequential Patterns:
- If a patient underwent cardiac bypass surgery for blocked arteries and an aneurysm and later developed high blood urea within a year of surgery, they is likely to suffer from kidney failure within the next 18 months.
- Clustering:
- Group treatment data on a disease based on similarity of side effects.
Consider that a big company wants analyse its product sales. They have a database with the following schema:
Sales(productNo, date, store_name, price)
Stores(name, city, country, phone)
and will run the following query:
SELECT country, AVG(price)
FROM Sales, Stores
WHERE Sales.store_name = AND
date >= '2021-01-01'
GROUP BY country;
This requires most of the data in the database which will block large parts of the database:
- This should be avoided on DBMSs serving many users.
Data Warehouses
These are specific facilities made to support data analysis.
flowchart LR
a[(A)] & b[(B)] & c[(C)] --> etl[Extract, Transform, Load] --> dw
dw[(Data Warehouse)] --- da[Data Analyst]
The warehouse isn’t constantly updated. Only every day or so.
Online Analytic Processing (OLAP)
Online analytic processing is the process of analysing complex data store in data warehouse.
This is in contrast to online transaction processing (OLTP) which are traditional DBMS tasks:
- Queries and updates that can be executed fast.
- Only affect a small portion of the database.
Fact Tables & Data Cubes
In OLAP applications, there is typically a unique fact table that:
- Represents events & objects of interest for the analysis.
Data cubes allow us to represent an attribute as a point in 3D space. For example, for the fact table:
Sales(productNo, date, store, price)
we can have axes of:
which will point to a specific price
There are examples of slicing and dicing data cubes using star schema at the end of the slides.
Star Schema
These are:
- Unique fact tables that contain all the points in the data cube.
- Dimension Tables - Describe the values along each axis.
From the following schema:
Products(productNo, type, model)
Days(date, day, week, month, year)
Stores(name, city, country, phone)
you can make the following star schema:
Sales(productNo, date, store, price)
This has the dependant attribute of price
A star schema describes a database consisting of:
- A fact table $R(A_1,\ldots,A_n,B_1,\ldots,B_m)$ where:
- $A_1,\ldots,A_n$ are called dimensions.
- $B_1,\ldots,B_m$ are called dependent attributes.
- Dimension table $D_i(A_i\ldots)$ for each dimension $A_i$.
Characteristics of Star Schema
Unlike typical databases star schema have a denormalised schema:
- Main data in one table (fact table).
- Rest of the data can be joined with the fact table very quickly.
As a result we get the following:
- Queries don’t requires many joins.
- Performance gains, especially when processing queries that would require many joins in a normalised database.
- Faster and easier aggregation of data.
Document Stores
This is a database that stores an ObjectID
associated in a document (typically in JSON).
We can represent the following XML:
<?xml version=“1.0” standalone=“yes”>
as the following JSON file:
{"name": "Anna",
{"name": "John",
are used for objects.
are used for arrays.
This DBMS stores documents in a variant of JSON:
MongoDB Properties
Sharding (horizontal fragmentation):
- Collections are split into horizontal fragments.
- Based on the shard key:
- Indexed Field
- Exists in all documents.
- Horizontal fragments of collections are replicated.
- Master-slave approach:
- Primary copy (master) and secondary copies (replicas).
- Updates - On master, then delegated to replicas.
- Reads - Delegated to master (default) or to any replica.
Transaction Support:
- ACID is supported on the newest version from 2020.
- Isolation is not fully supported as only snapshots are completed.
Column Stores
Column stores are laid out like so:
name |
contact |
first |
last |
address |
city |
postcode |
email |
123 |
Anna |
Collins |
… |
… |
… |
… |
… |
The following are different to normal tables:
This column store implementation uses the hadoop distributed file system:
Hbase Properties
Hbase uses two levels of fragmentation:
- Top Level - Rows are divided into regions (ranges of rows).
- Bottom Level - Regions store different column families in different nodes (computers).
There is no transaction support.
Each item has a time stamp and one can access past version of the database (if setup):
> get ’STUDENT’, ‘row1’
name:first timestamp=1511139129384, value=Anna
name:last timestamp=1511139140333, value=…
Graph Databases
These store data as a graph with:
- Objects and attributes on the nodes.
- Relations on the arcs.
Data is then accessed using an SQL-like path query language.
This is the simplest type of database with only two columns, one for the key and one for the value.
They have a simple access mechanism:
- Returns the local value for key $k$.
write(k, v)
- Inserts value $v$ under key $k$.
Distributed Storage
Each key-value pair $(k,v)$ is stored at some node:
- Assign values $v$ for $k$ to integers between 0 and $2^n-1$ where $n$ is large enough to hold all nodes and duplicates:
- Distribute node to some of the integers (typically randomly). This creates a ring of nodes.
- If $(k,v)$ is assigned to integer $i$, it is stored at the node following $i$ on the ring.
Scalability via Horizontal Fragmentation
New nodes can be added to the ring easily:
- Add nodes to free range(s) and more key-value pairs appropriately.
- Automatic horizontal fragmentation.
Replication is used to ensure availability.
Replicas (copies of the key-value pairs) are stored on consecutive nodes on the ring in clockwise order.
Eventual Consistency
DynomoDB and Voldemort allow multiple versions of a data item to be present at the same time (versioning):
- If a newer version of a data item is not yet available at a node, the older version is used.
- This is fine for many applications, like a shopping cart.
If this isn’t good enough we can assign a vector clock to each version of an item $X$:
- A list (vector) of pairs
(node, timestamp)
- The node that has written $X$.
- The local time on the node the iem $X$ was written.
- Use the clock to decide if version $V_1$ originated from version $V_2$:
$V_1$ originated from $V_2$ if, for all nodes in $V_2$s clock, the corresponding timestamp is $\leq \text{timestamp in }V_1$.
Check that all the numbers in the vector clock are bigger, or equal to, the previous clock.
If it is incomparable (multiple values change), return all possibilities.
This is if some numbers are bigger and smaller between versions.
Incomparability between versions are resolved at read-time.
Property Implementation
- Scalability:
- Adding new nodes to increase capacity is easy.
- Automatic horizontal fragmentation.
- Availability & Fault-Tolerance:
- Due to replication.
- Can retrieve value for a key, even if a few nodes storing values for that key fail.
- High Performance:
- Retrieving the value for a key is fast:
- Apply the hash function to determine the node, then ask the node.
- The same is true for writing.
These are non-relational databases that generally cater to web applications:
- Very fast access, will millions of users in parallel.
- Vault Tolerance
- Semi-structured
- Flexibility in the type of data stored.
- Full ACID compliance can sometimes be relaxed.
NoSQL Example
Consider that you have the following setup:
ws[Web Service] <--> nsql[NoSQL Database] & rd[Relational Database]
nsql --- n([User Profiles, Shopping Cart])
rd --- r([Inventory, Transactions])
We can store data that must be compliant on the relational database and high volume, non-compliant data can be stored on the noSQL database.
In the NoSQL database we can use tables like so:
Key |
Value |
User1 |
{“name”:”John Smith”, “items”:{ “1”:{“name”:”product 1”,”quantity”:3} …} } |
They have the following properties:
- Simple Queries:
- Return teh value for key $k$.
- Fast reads/writes via index on keys.
- ACID can sometimes be relaxed.
NoSQL Characteristics
NoSQL databases are often distributed:
- Nodes run on commmidity hardware.
- Standard network.
They are designed to guarantee:
They often give up ACID to improve performance.
The CAP Theorem
This theorem says we can only choose two of:
- Consistency
- Availability
- Partition-Tolerance
Single node DBMS can have:
NoSQL can have:
NoSQL databases drop ACID and often provide the weaker guarantee of:
- Basically
- Available
- Soft State
- Eventually Consistent
Soft state & eventual consistency mean that the database might occasionally be inconsistent but will eventually be consistent after propagation occurs.
NoSQL Classification
- Key-Value Stores
- Efficient lookups and insertions of key-value pairs.
- Document Stores
- Similar to key-value stores, where the value is a semi-structured datatype.
- Lookups can involve values from the documents.
- Column Stores
- Graph Databases
We can convert the other way by using XML Schema.
To convert an XML database to SQL we have the following approaches:
Storing XML in an Attribute
We can use the XML data type (XML
or XMLType
) to store raw XML in a serialised form.
Creating Tables Using XML Type
We can use the following SQL:
docNo CHAR(4),
docDate DATE,
staffData XML
<STAFF branchNo = "B005">
Schema-Independent Representation
This method allows us to store the XML as a tree inside of a table:
- This creates the issue of making the tree difficult to search.
- To solve this we can use a denormalised index in a second table that links nodes and their parents.
From this we then get the following schema-independent table:
nodeID |
nodeType |
nodeName |
nodeData |
parentID |
rootID |
0 |
Document |
0 |
1 |
Element |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Element |
1 |
0 |
3 |
Element |
2 |
0 |
4 |
Text |
SL21 |
3 |
0 |
5 |
Element |
2 |
0 |
6 |
Element |
5 |
0 |
7 |
Text |
John |
6 |
0 |
8 |
Element |
5 |
0 |
9 |
Text |
White |
8 |
0 |
and it’s denormalised index:
path |
nodeID |
parentID |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
- XML is decomposed into its constituent element and data distributed over a number of attributes in one or more relations.
- Storing shredded document may make it easier to index values of some element, provided these element are placed into their own attributes.
- Also possible to add some additional data relation to hierarchical nature of the XML, making it possible to recompose the original structure and ordering.
- This allows the XML to be updated.
With this approach we also have to create an appropriate database structure.
Order By
This clause is included in the following order:
Clause |
Requirement |
for & let |
Any number, interleaved. Some interpreters require at least one let . |
where |
Optional |
order by |
Optional |
return |
Mandatory |
and we can use it like so:
let $doc := doc("mydoc.xml")
for $b in $doc/books/book
for $author in $b/author
order by $author descending
return <pair>{$b/title}, {$author}</pair>
Group By
This clause is interted in the following order:
Clause |
Requirement |
for & let |
Any number, interleaved. Some interpreters require at least one let . |
where |
Optional |
group by |
Optional |
order by |
Optional |
return |
Mandatory |
and we can use it like so:
let $doc := doc("mydoc.xml")
for $m in $doc/university/student/module
group by $mod:=$m
return <pair>{$mod}, {count($m)}</pair>
We can only aggregate by variables that are grouped (in this case only $m
not $m/...
Other aggregate functions include:
This converts the enclosed elements to strings, and filters so that they are distinct.
We can use it on each element $m
in the for loop individually:
let $doc := doc("mydoc.xml")
for $m in $doc/university/student/module
return distinct-values($m)
This only removes duplicate module elements per-student.
or we can use it on the whole result:
distinct-values(let $doc := doc("mydoc.xml")
for $m in $doc/university/student/module
return $m)
This is a method of running queries on XML. They are an extension of XPath and therefore every XPath is an XQuery expression.
For additional XQuery examples see this lecture video
For the following tree:
$doc -->|students|a[ ]
a -->|student|$s
$s -->|name| ''Anna''
$s -->|module| ''COMP207''
an XQuery could look like the following:
let $doc := doc("students.xml")
for $s in $doc/students/student
where $s/module = "COMP207"
return $s/name
This is case sensitive.
FLWR Expressions
Clause |
Requirement |
for & let |
Any number, interleaved. Some interpreters require at least one let . |
where |
Optional |
return |
Mandatory |
Therefore we can get the following smallest expressions depending on the implementation:
return <greeting>Hello World!</greeting>
let $hello := <greeting>Hello World!</greeting>
return $hello
XPaths generally take the following form:
are navigation axes.
are conditions.
are name or a tag, attribute or *
Navigation Axes
Axis |
Shorthand |
Description |
attribute |
@ |
An attribute |
child |
Default (child:: can be omitted) |
Any child |
descendant |
//E instead of /descendant::E |
Any proper descendant |
descendant-or-self |
Any descendant |
ancestor |
Any proper ancestor |
following-sibling |
Any sibling to the right |
preceding-sibling |
Any sibling to the left |
parent |
.. |
The parent |
self |
. |
Yourself |
A proper descendant or ancestor is at least one node away (not self).
The idea is the if the condition is true, follow the path further.
- You can use comparitors like
, !=
and >=
- A value can be a relative path expression or any constant.
- You can combine by using
and or
You can also write E[i]
which is true if the current node is the i
-th child of its parent:
//*[category="CS" or category="Scifi"][1]
This would return the first item in “CS” or “Scifi.
You can also use functions like:
in place of i
Boolean Conversions
We can also include additional XPaths and strings in the condition:
XPath allows us to write queries that return a set of value or nodes from an XML document:
- Values
- Nodes
- Document Node
- Element Node
- Attributes
- Inside the tags of elements.
Path Expressions
They take the following format:
This would select all nodes reachable from the root by following the edges in the order of the path.
The result is returned in the document order.
Relative Path Expressions
You can miss out the first slash to evaluate relative to another node.
The path expressions can be extended so that we can return attribute values:
A wildcard *
represents any tag name or attribute name:
This would return all attributes of the module
This is the second way of defining the format of an XML file.
Comparison to DTD
XML schema should be used if you want more precision on the schema than offered by DTD.
- Defined in XML.
- Give bounds on number of occurrences.
- Can do unordered sets.
- Can do more precise references.
- More complex simple data types.
To get an XML schema version of the following DTD:
<!ELEMENT lecturers (lecturer+)>
<!ELEMENT lecturer (name, phone?, email?, teaches*)>
<!ELEMENT teaches (code, title)>
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
we could write something like the following:
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8” ?>
<!-- anything prefixed with xs: is an object -->
<!-- also means we are defining a "University" schema -->
<xs:schema xmlns: xs= “” targetNamespace=“University”>
<xs:element name = “lecturers”>
<xs:element name = “lecturer” type = “lecturerType” minOccurs = “1” maxOccurs = “unbounded”/>
<xs:complexType name = “lecturerType”>
<xs:element name=“name” type = “xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“phone” type = “xs:string” minOccurs = “0”/>
<xs:element name=“email” type = “xs:string” minOccurs = “0”/>
<xs:element name=“teaches” type = “theachesType” minOccurs = “0” maxOccurs = “unbounded”/>
<xs:complexType name = “theachesType”>
<xs:element name=“code” type = “xs:string”/>
<xs:element name=“title” type = “xs:string”/>
<xs:simpleType name="phoneType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value=”07[0-9]{3} [0-9]{6}"/>
Convert Database to XML
There is an example of converting a table to an XML document at the end of the lecture slides
There are two ways to define the format of XML files. This lecture explains how to use DTD.
DTDs contain information about the structure of an XML document:
- Elements that may occur in the document.
- Sub-elements that an element may have.
- Attributes that an element may have
The are included at the beginning of the XML document between:
<?xml ... standalone="no">
and the root element.
They are included between the following tags:
<!DOCTYPE lecturers [
where lecturers
is the name of the root tag.
The elements of a DTD has the following syntax:
<!--There must be 1 or more lecturer below the root element-->
<!ELEMENT lecturers (lecturer+)>
<!--Name is required, phone and email are optional, zero or more occurrences of teaches-->
<!ELEMENT lecturer (name, phone?, email?, teaches*)>
<!ELEMENT teaches (code, title)>
<!--Includes special symbol for text data-->
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
To parse this we identify the rules for element that can occur in the XML document (inside ()
- Names with no qualifying punctuation must occur exactly once.
- Options for repetitions are:
- Zero or more.
- One or more.
- Either zero or one.
Defining Attributes
To define the following attribute:
<module code=”COMP105” title=“Programming Paradigms” />
We would first define the module (without the elements):
Then define the attributes like follows:
<!ATTLIST module title CDATA #IMPLIED>
The value after the #
can be some of the following:
- Optional
- Required
- Some value
defining a default string.
and some value - Constant
Attribute Datatypes
You can use the following datatypes:
Element Identity, ID
allows a unique key to be associated with an element.
allows an element to refer to another element with the designated key and attribute type.
allows an element to refer to multiple elements.
To loosely mode the relationships:
has Lecturers
has a head
who is a Lecturer
we would write:
<!ATTLIST lecturer staffNo ID #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST department staff IDREFS #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST department head IDREF #IMPLIED>
Document Validity
There are two levels of document processing:
XML files look similar to HTML files. This is an XML document representing the graph from last lecture:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<name>J. Fearnley</name>
<title>Progr. Paradigms</code>
<memberOf>Economics & …</memberOf>
There are the following structures:
- Tags - Enclosed between
- Open with
- Close with
- Element - The opening, closing tags and all data in-between.
- Attributes:
Elements can have attributes (name/value pairs), which are put into the element’s opening tag:
<lecturer name="J. Fearnley">
<module code=”COMP105” title=“Programming Paradigms” />
Sub-elements should be used if there is a one to many relationship.
Nodes with Multiple Parents
These don’t exist in XML:
- There is a notion of references like symbolic links in a file-system.
Other Features
- There can be an optional document type definition or XML schema at the start of the XML document.
- Entity References - Can serve as shortcuts to often repeated text or to distinguish reserved characters from content.
- Comments - Enclosed in
<!-- ... -->
- CDATA - These are processing instructions that can be used to provide information to the application.
Semi-structured data lies between fully structured data (like relational databases) and unstructured data (like arbitrary data files).
- Semi-structured data doesn’t have to fit to a schema.
- Programs have to know how to read & interpret the data.
- Semi-structured data is self describing and flexible.
Semi-Structured Data Model
Semi-structured data is typically a tree with the following properties:
- Leaf Nodes - Have associated data.
- Inner Nodes - Have edges going to other nodes:
- Root:
- Has no incoming edges.
- Each node is reachable from the root.
root -->|lecturer| a[ ] & b[ ]
a -->|name| c[ ]
a -->|teaches| d[ ]
d -->|taughtBy| c[J. Fearnley]
d -->|code| e[COMP105]
d -->|title| f[Progr. Paradigms]
b --> ...
They are a popular form for storing and sharing data on the web.
Also are used for the storage of documents such as:
- Word processor documents.
- Spreadsheets.
- Vector Graphics.
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- Simple Key-Value Relationships:
- Correspond to very simple XML/JSON documents.
- Graphs
- A general form of semi-structured data.
Often problems involving large datasets can be divided into many small problems that can be solved in parallel and then have their results combined.
MapReduce is a programming framework that allows us to implement two methods:
- Map - The computation on the smaller chunks of data.
- Reduce - How the results are combined to the final result.
MapReduce is not a universal parallelism framework, not every problem that is parallelisable can be expresses and solved nicely with MapReduce.
Counting Words in a Document
Given a collection of text files, for each word $w$, count how many times $w$ occurs in the files.
To do this we input the data like so:
("file1.txt","<file contents>"),("file2.txt","<file contents>"),("file3.txt","<file contents>"),...
These are grouped into (key,value)
The MapReduce computation will then return:
The Map Function
The map function is applied to a single key/value pair and produces a list of zero or more key/value pairs:
Map(String filepath, String contents):
for each word w in contents:
output pair (w, "1")
The Reduce function will handle adding together all of the key/value pairs so we don’t have to do that at this stage.
After the Map function have been applied, we group all values by key:
this would then go to:
("hello", (1, 1, 1),("world",1)
Copy & Merge
This completes the grouping again for each text file.
The Reduce Function
The Reduce function takes a key and a list of values as input and outputs a list of key/value pairs:
Reduce(String word, Iterator<String>values):
int count = 0
for each v in values:
count = count + parseInt(v)
output pair (word,toString(count))
This only applies to a single key/value pair, not the whole list. This enables more parallel computing.
Additional Examples
There are addition examples on the following in this lecture video:
- Matrix Multiplication (page rank)
- Relational Algebra:
- Selection $\sigma_c(R)$
- Natural Join $R\bowtie S$
Distributed File System
MapReduce operates on it’s own distributed file system:
- All the data is distributed over the nodes.
- Replication is used for fault-tolerance.
It appears to the user as if it was a regular file system.
Input files can be very large. To deal with this, MapReduce splits these into chunks (16-64 MB) and provides an ID for each chunk in a key/value pair.
Map returns a list of key/value pairs:
Map(String key, String value)
Reduce returns a list of key/value pairs:
Reduce(String key, Iterator<String> values)
In practice that is also some additional code to set:
- Locations of input and output files.
- Tuning Parameters:
- Number of Machines
- Memory per Map
If we don’t have all the information we need for a query at a node, we need to request information from other sites:
- This is very slow.
- Joins are the most expensive operation.
We can often send less than the whole table over the network when completing joins.
Semijoins ($\ltimes$)
We can deduce that:
\[R\ltimes S=R\bowtie \pi_{\text{common attributes of }R\text{ and }S}(S)\]
$R\ltimes S$ is the set of all tuples in $R$ that NATURAL JOIN
at least one tuple in $S$.
Therefore we can save on network communications by only sending the part of $S$ that is needed.
Semijoin Reduction
graph LR
a[("A (stores R)")] ---|network| b[("B (stores S)")]
We can then use this to create an optimised method to calculate $R\bowtie S$ at site $B$ (which stores $S$).
- Site $B$ sends $S’:=\pi_{\text{common attributes of }R\text{ and }S}(S)$ to site $A$.
- Site $A$ sends $R’:=R\ltimes S(=R\bowtie S’)$ to site $B$.
- Site $B$ outputs $R’\bowtie S$
There is an example, with attribute names, at the end of the lecture.
The cost of this communication is:
\[\lvert S'\rvert\times(\text{size of tuple in }S')+\lvert R'\rvert\times(\text{size tuple in }R')\]
This method is sometimes more efficient than just exchanging the whole table depending on:
- Is the projection much smaller than the full relation?
- Is the size of the semi-join much smaller.
In general, this solution is optimal if:
\[\lvert\pi_\text{common attributes}(S)\rvert+\lvert R\ltimes S\rvert <\lvert R\rvert\]
In the worst case you can send twice the size of $R$.
Concurrency Control
CC in DDBMS Using Locks
Locks for concurrency control can be used in many different ways:
No Backups |
Backups |
One Authority |
One computer does all the locks. |
There are backups if the primary fails. |
Many Authorities |
Database items can have different computers in charge of their locks. |
Many authorities with backups. |
There are various downsides to these methods:
- One Computer
- If it fails you need to restart the whole system.
- There are too many transactions requiring locks.
- Backup of One Computer
- Must be synced with the primary computer.
- Many Authorities
- Must be synced with the primary computer.
- Many Authorities with Backups
- Must be synced with the primary computer.
- Must be synced with the primary computer.
CC in DDBMS using Voting
- Each site with a copy of an item has a local lock that it can grant transaction for that item.
- If a transaction gets over half the local locks for an item, it has a global lock on the item.
- If so, it must tell the sites with a copy that it has the lock.
- If it takes too long, it must stop trying to get the lock.
This method is much more distributed but requires more communication.
Recovery in DDBMS
Violation of Atomicity
Even though atomicity is enforced at individual locations it can be violated globally.
This is because nodes can fail during the execution of a global transaction.
Two-Phase Commit Protocol
This is the protocol that is used to enforce atomicity in global transactions.
This is not related to 2PL.
There is a single coordinator on the network that decides when local transaction can commit.
Logging is handled at each node locally:
Messages sent and received from other nodes are logged too.
The two phases are as follows:
- Decide When to Commit or Abort
- Send
prepare T
to ask the nodes if they want to commit.
- At each node decide whether to commit or abort:
If commit, go into precommitted state and send back ready T
Only the coordination can abort once a node is in a precommitted state.
If abort, send back don't commit T
and abort local transaction.
- Commit or Abort
- If all nodes respond
ready T
- Send
commit T
to all the nodes.
- If some node responds
don't commit T
or there is a timeout waiting for a reply:
- Send
abort T
to all nodes.
Two-Phase Logging
The logging for phase 1 is like so:
participant T0 as T0 (Coordinator)
note over T0:log prepare T
T0 ->> T1: prepare T
alt ready
note over T1:flush T1 logs to enter precommitted state
note over T1:log ready T
T1 ->> T0:ready T
else abort
note over T1: log don't commit T
T1 ->> T0:don't commit T
note over T1:abort T1
means that you can take either path in the sequence diagram.
The logging for phase 2 is like so:
participant T0 as T0 (Coordinator)
alt all ready
note over T0: log commit T
T0 ->> T1:commit T
else don't commit/timeout
note over T0: log abort T
T0 ->> T1:abort T
Three-Phase Commit Protocol
In the two-phase commit protocol, if the coordinator and another transaction fails, durability could be broken when aborting the transaction.
To fix this we can split phase 2 into two parts:
- Prepare to Commit
- Send the decision (commit/abort) to all nodes.
- Nodes go into prepare-to-commit state.
- Commit
This lecture covers transparency:
- Things that the DDBMS keeps hidden from people accessing the database.
- Fragmentation and replication are examples of the things that are handled transparently.
This is where the database is split into different fragments that can then be stored at different nodes.
Horizontal Fragmentation (Sharding)
Fragment 1 |
Fragment 2 |
Fragment 3 |
Fragment 4 |
The fragments may overlap.
- Each tuple could be stored at a different site.
- The way to get the original table back is to complete the
of the fragmented tables.
Vertical Fragmentation
The fragments typically overlap.
- Certain attributes are stored at different sites.
- You can get the original table back by completing the natural join of the distributed tables.
Users don’t see the fragments, just the full relations.
Different sites can store copies of data that belongs to other sites:
- Consider that a central office holds all the data from the branches.
- This improves resilience.
- Consider that a branch holds data about suppliers from the central office.
- This improves efficiency.
Full Replication
This means that each fragment is stored at every site:
- There are no longer any fragments.
- Faster query answering.
- Very slow updates.
No Replication
This is where each fragment is stored at a unique site:
- Crashes are a big problem.
Partial Replication
This is where a combination of the above are used:
- Limit the number of copies of each fragment.
- Replicate only the fragments that are useful.
DDBMSs ensure that users do not need to know certain facts when creating queries. Transparency can be implemented at different levels.
- Fragmentation Transparency
- Fragmentation is transparent to users.
- Users pose queries against the entire database.
- The distributed DBMS translates this into a query plan that fetchers the required information from appropriate nodes.
- Replication Transparency
- Ability to store copies of data items and fragments at different sites.
- Replication is transparent to the user.
- Location Transparency
- The location where data is stored is transparent to the user.
- Naming Transparency
- A given name (of a relation) has the same meaning everywhere in the system.
There are also many more types of transparency.
We want to have databases at several sites, which only hold data that is primarily relevant to them.
Distributed Databases
They are a:
- Collection of multiple logically interrelated databases.
- Distributed over a computer network.
graph LR
A ---|network link| B --- C["C (node/site)"] --- A
- The databases are connected by a network link.
- Nodes/sites are where the databases are stored.
Performance Improvements:
- Answer queries faster by distributing tasks over the nodes.
- Reduces CPU time, disk accesses, communication cost and more at individual nodes.
- Easier extension of the system for capacity and performance.
- Just add a new node.
- Data can be replicated at geographically separate sites.
- Catastrophic failures don’t affect the entire system
A physical query plan adds information required to execute the optimised query plan such as:
- Which algorithm to use for execution of operators.
- How to pass information from one operator to the other.
- Good order for computing joins, unions, etc.
- Additional operations such as sorting.
Converting a Logical Plan to a Physical Plan
We can generate many different physical query plans from an optimised logical query plan. We need to choose the physical plan with the lowest cost estimate in terms of:
- Time
- Disk Accesses
- Memory
- Communication
- …
Estimating Cost of Execution
We should mainly focus on the number of disk accesses as they are usually the most expensive operation.
It can be influenced by:
We can estimate these from parameters of the database such as:
- Size of relations.
- Number of distinct items per attribute per relation.
- Computed exactly from the database.
You can’t execute the query, you have to rely on statistics gathered from data.
Estimate Size of Selection
Estimate for the size of $\sigma_{A=a}(R)$:
\[\frac{\lvert R\rvert}{\text{number of distinct values in column }A \text{ of relation }R}\]
Estimate for the number of block required to store $\sigma_{A=a}(R)$:
\[\frac{\text{number of blocks for }R}{\text{number of distinct values in column }A\text{ of relation }R}\]
This is good if values in column $A$ or $R$ occur equally often, but can be bad.
Assume that:
contains 80 tuples, stored in 20 blocks.
- There are exactly 4 distinct values for the city attribute of
To estimate the size of $\sigma_\text{city=Liv}(\text{Stores})$:
\[\frac{80}4=20\text{ tuples}\]
To estimate for the number of blocks that are required to store $\sigma_\text{city=Liv}(\text{Stores})$:
\[\frac{20}4=5\text{ blocks}\]
Estimate Size of Joins
To estimate $R\bowtie S$ we can do an estimate based on the size of $R$ and $S$ and a number of distinct values in common attributes:
\[\frac{\lvert R\rvert\times\lvert S\rvert}{\text{max. number of distinct values for }A\text{ in }R\text{ or }S}\]
This assumes that $A$ is the only common attribute.
There are two methods for passing information between different stages of the query plan:
- Materialisation - Write intermediate results to disk.
- Pipelining (stream based processing):
- Passes the tuples of one operation directly to the next operation without using disk.
- Extra buffer for each pair of adjacent operation to hold tuples passing from one relation to the other.
The initial query plan, generated from a query, may not be the optimal one. We can complete the following to make it run faster.
How to Optimise
Queries are evaluated from the bottom up therefore:
- Efficiency depends on the size of intermediate results.
We should rewrite the initial query plan so that intermediate results are as small as possible.
We can use relational algebra equivalence laws to make query plans with smaller intermediate results.
Push selections as far down the tree as possible.
flowchart LR
subgraph inefficient
11["π depart, name"] --> 12[σ worksAt=depart] --> 13["⨉"] --> 14[Stores] & 15[Emplyees]
subgraph better
21["π depart, name"] --> 22[σ worksAt=depart AND city=Liv] --> 23["⨉"] --> 24[σ city=Liv] & 25[Emplyees]
24 --> Stores
inefficient --> better
This gets rid of many irrelevant tuples very early during execution.
Push projections as far down the tree as possible, or insert projections where appropriate.
flowchart LR
subgraph inefficient
11["π depart, name"] --> 12[σ worksAt=depart AND city=Liv] --> 13["⨉"] --> 14[σ city=Liv] & 15[Emplyees]
14 --> 16[Stores]
subgraph better
21["π depart, name"] --> 22[σ worksAt=depart AND city=Liv] --> 23["⨉"] --> 24[π worksAt] & 25[π depart, name]
24 --> 26[σ city=Liv]
26 --> 27[Stores]
25 --> 28[Emplyees]
inefficient --> better
If possible, introduct equijoins for $\times$ followed by $\sigma$.
flowchart LR
subgraph inefficient
11["π depart, name"] --> 12[σ worksAt=depart AND city=Liv] --> 13["⨉"] --> 14[π worksAt] & 15[π depart, name]
14 --> 16[σ city=Liv]
16 --> 17[Stores]
15 --> 18[Emplyees]
subgraph better
21["π depart, name"] --> 23["⋈ worksAt=depart"] --> 24[π worksAt] & 25[π depart, name]
24 --> 26[σ city=Liv]
26 --> 27[Stores]
25 --> 28[Emplyees]
inefficient --> better
$\bowtie$ is faster than a $\times$ followed by a $\sigma$.
There are also many more heuristics that can be used to optimise the query plan.
Deleting Values
To delete a value/pointer pair:
- Find the leaf that should contain the value.
- If not there then we are done.
- Remove the value/pointer pair.
- Let the current node $C$.
Let $x$ be:
2 & \text{if } C\text{ is root}\\
\lceil\frac{n+1}2\rceil & \text{if } C \text{ id internal node}\\
\lfloor\frac{n+1} 2\rfloor & \text{if } C \text{ is leaf}
- If $C$ has above $x$ pointers - Fix ancestors (if necessary) and you are done.
- if $C$ is the root but not a leaf - Remove it (and let the child of the root be the new root).
Otherwise, check if an adjacent node has at least $x+1$ pointers.
A node is adjacent to another if they are at the same depth and their common ancestor has no descendant at that depth between them.
- If so - Take one, fix ancestors (if necessary) and you are done.
- Otherwise - Merge with sibling and go to line 3 with the parent as the current node.
The running time is:
where $h$ is the height of the B+ tree.
The real running time is:
\[O(h\times D)\]
where $D$ is the time for a disk operation.
Properties of B+ Tree Indexes
There is a visualisation tool for B+ trees available at
Single vs Multi-Level Indexes
- Single Level Index - Stores in a single list.
- Multi-Level Index - Distributes across different layers.
B+ Tree Leaves (Idea)
$a_1$ |
$a_2$ |
$\ldots$ |
$a_n$ |
Points to tuples with value $a_1$. |
Points to tuples with value $a_2$ |
Points to tuples with value $a_n$. |
Next Leaf |
$n$ is chosen such that a node fits into a single disk block:
- Disk Block Size - 512 byte
- Values - 4 byte integers
- Pointers - 8 bytes
With the above example $n=42$ as:
B+ Tree Inner Nodes (Idea)
$a_1$ |
$a_2$ |
$\ldots$ |
$a_n$ |
Points to a nodes for values $<a_1$. |
Points to nodes for values $\geq a_1$ and $<a_2$ |
Points to nodes for values $\geq a_{n-1}$ and $<a_n$ |
Points to node for values $\geq a_n$ |
Pointers point to B+ tree nodes at the level below. $n$ is chosen as before.
B+ Tree Leaves (Actually)
- Not all the fields have to be used.
- Fields are filled from left to right.
$a_1$ |
$a_2$ |
$\ldots$ |
$a_i$ |
Unused |
Unused |
Points to tuples with value $a_1$. |
Points to tuples with value $a_2$ |
Points to tuples with value $a_u$. |
Points Nowhere |
Next Leaf |
Ensure that at least $\lfloor \frac{n+1}2\rfloor$ pointers are used (unless this is the only leaf).
To follow with the online tool, we count the next leaf pointer as a pointer, even if there is none.
B+ Tree Nodes (Actually)
- Not all the fields have to be used.
- Fields are filled from left to right.
$a_1$ |
$a_2$ |
$\ldots$ |
$a_i$ |
Unused |
Unused |
Points to a nodes for values $<a_1$. |
Points to nodes for values $\geq a_1$ and $<a_2$ |
Points to nodes for values $\geq a_{i-1}$ and $<a_i$ |
Points to node for values $\geq a_i$ |
Points Nowhere |
- $a_i$ - Number is smallest number in child-sub-tree slightly to the right.
Ensure that at least $\lceil \frac{n+1}2\rceil$ pointers are used (the root must use $\geq 2$ pointers).
B+ Tree Index
A B+ tree index of the prime numbers through 47 looks like the following:

Searching Values
To find the pointer to the rows with value $v$:
- Start at the root of the B+ tree.
- While the current node is a non-leaf node:
- f $v<a_1$, proceed to the first child of the node.
- Otherwise find the largest $i$ with $a_i\geq v$ and proceed to the associated child node.
- If the current node is a leaf:
- If $v$ occurs in the leaf, follow the associated pointer.
- If $v$ does not occur in the leaf, return “$v$ doesn’t exist in the index”.
The running time is:
where $h$ is the height of the B+ tree.
The real running time is:
\[O(h\times D)\]
where $D$ is the time for a disk operation.
Inserting Values
To insert a new value/pointer pair:
- Find the leaf that should contain the value.
- If the leaf is not full, insert the key value pair at a suitable location.
- If the leaf is full:
- Split the leaf to make space for the new value/pointer pair and move half of the pointers to the new node.
- Insert the value/pointer pair
- Connect the leaf to a suitable parent node (which might incur the creation of a new node).
The running time is:
where $h$ is the height of the B+ tree.
The real running time is:
\[O(h\times D)\]
where $D$ is the time for a disk operation.
Selection can be performed faster if we know where to find the rows that are being selected. One way of doing this is by using indexes.
Given the values for one or more attributes of a relation $R$, provides quick access to the tuples with these values.
Consider that we have the following data that we want to index:
id |
name |
programme |
1234 |
Anna |
G401 |
2345 |
Ben |
G701 |
3456 |
Chloe |
G401 |
4567 |
Dave |
G401 |
We can use the following index table, sorted by value
value |
pointers to rows |
G401 |
1234, 3456, 4567 |
G701 |
2435 |
You should have an index for each attribute that you want to select.
There are two different types of index:
Secondary - Only points to the location of records on disk.
Always dense.
Primary - In addition, defines how data is sorted on disk.
Good when attributes involve primary keys.
Using indexes
To complete a selection using an index:
- Find the entry that you are selecting in the index (G401).
- Visit all rows in
whose ids occur in the index entry for G401.
This has a running time of:
\[O(\log d+\text{size of output})\]
You can use the following datatypes as indexes:
- Hash-Index - Good for equality.
- B+- Tree - Good for ranges.
You can create an index in SQL using the following command:
ON Students USING btree -- default, can use hash
(programme, year); -- the columns that you want to index
This part is not required for the exam.
We can perform faster joins provided that the tables are sorted or indexed. In order to sort the data quickly we can do this inside of memory, instead of on the disk.
Merge Sort
Divide input in two parts P1, P2
Sort P1 & P2 recursively
While P1 or P2 is not empty:
Add smallest remaining element from P1 or P2 to output
External Memory Merge Sort
Divide input in M parts P1, P2, ..., PM
Sort P1, P2, ..., PM recursively
While not all Pi are empty:
Add smallest remaining element from any part Pi to output
- $M$ is the number of disk blocks that fit in RAM
Additionally, the following are true:
- The RAM holds the smallest blocks from each part.
- On each level or recursion we scan through all blocks once ($O(\frac NB)$) disk operation where $B$ is the block size.
- We split in M buckets in each level or recursion until the remainder is below MB (where it fits in RAM and can be sorted directly): $\log_M(\frac M {MB})$ levels.
- The total number of disk operations is $O(\frac N {B\log_M(\frac N {MB})})$
In practice, since hard disks are slow, the running time is mostly spent on disk operations. Therefore, the standard running time is:
\[O(\frac N {B\log_M(\frac N {MB})})\]
where $D$ is the time of a disk operation.
Quick-sort (and other internal memory sorting algorithms) use the following order of time:
\[O(\frac N {B\log_2(N)\times D})\]
External memory sorting is much faster on inputs that are much larger than main memory.
An equijoin:
is defined as:
\[\sigma_{A=B}(R\times S)\]
$A,B$ are the join attributes.
You can see an example on the following tables:
Merging (Merge Sort)
If $R$ is sorted on $A$ and $S$ is sorted on $B$, then $R\bowtie_{A=B}S$ can be computed with one pass over $R$ and $S$ + run time equal to the size of the output.
With sorted tables we can just step through the columns in the constraint ($A$ and $B$) while one is smaller than the other and just print out when the constraint is matched.
This gives a runtime of:
\[O\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert +\text{size of output}\]
Merging with Duplicates in Column $A$
If there are duplicates in the left table then you can just loop through the right table again for the duplicate values.
You can use the following algorithm to compute this:
Sort $R$ on $A$
Sort $S$ on $B$
Merge the sorted $R$ and $S$
- Running time $O(\lvert R\rvert \times \log_2\lvert R\rvert)$
- Running time $O(\lvert S\rvert \times \log_2\lvert S\rvert)$
- Running time O\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert +\text{size of output}
Therefore the typical running time is:
\[O(\lvert R\rvert\log_2\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert\log_2\lvert S\rvert)\]
This is much faster than nested loop join but is the same in the worse case scenario.
Running Time vs. Disk Access
- $B$ - Size of a disk block (512/4k bytes)
- $M$ - Number of disk blocks that fit into available RAM
Algorithm |
No. of Elementary Operations |
No. of Disk Accesses |
Reading a relation $R$. |
$O(\lvert R\rvert)$ |
$O(\frac{\lvert R \rvert}B)$ |
Sorting $R$ on attrubte $A$ |
$O(\lvert R\rvert\log_2\lvert R \rvert)$ |
$O(\frac{\lvert R\rvert}B\log_M\frac{\lvert R \rvert}B)$ |
Executing Query Plans
A query plan tells us exactly how to computer the result to a query. On a particular tree we should proceed from bottom to top:
sig[σ department=worksAt] --> times["⨉"]
times --> pid[π department] & piw[π worksAt,name]
pid --> Stores
piw --> Emplyees
- Compute an intermediate result for each node.
- For a leaf labelled with relation $R$, the intermediate result is $R$.
- For an inner node labelled with operator $op$, get the intermediate result by applying $op$ to the childrens’ intermediate results.
- Result of the query - intermediate result of the root.
We go from bottom to top, applying the operation on the last table(s).
How to Apply an Operator
- Computing $\sigma_\text{condition}(R)$
- We have to read the entire file $R$. If the intermediate is sorted or has an index there are methods of doing this without reading the whole table.
- Computing $\pi_\text{attribute list}(R)$
- Similar to $\sigma$, read $R$ only once.
Naïve Computation of Joins
We can use the following nested loop algorithm:
Compute $R\bowtie S$:
for each tuple $r$ in $R$:
for each tuple $s$ in $S$:
if $r$ and $s$ have the same value for all common attributes:
output $r\bowtie s$
This algorithm is slow as for each tuple $r$ in $R$ we have to read the entire relation $S$.
The running time is:
\[O(\lvert R\rvert\times\lvert S\rvert)\]
- $\lvert R\rvert$ - Number of tuples in $R$.
- $\lvert S\rvert$ - Number of tuples in $S$.
The query compiler and execution engine are responsible for:
- Transforming SQL queries into sequences of database operation.
- Executing these operations.
Query Processing
Query processing is completed in the following order:
a[ ] -->|SQL Query| pqp[Parse Query & Pre-process] -->|"Logical Query Plan (relational algebra)"| olqp[Optimise Logical Query Plan] -->|Optimised Logical Query Plan| spqp[Select Physical Query Plan] -->|Physical Query Plan| qe[Query Execution]
Relational Algebra
The following set of operation can be applied to relations to compute new relations:
- Selection ($\sigma$)
- Projection ($\pi$)
- Cartesian Product ($\times$)
- Union ($\cup$)
- Renaming ($\rho$)
- Natural Join ($\bowtie$)
- Semijoin ($\ltimes$)
These are covered in prior lectures.
Query Plan
A relation algebra expression that is obtained from an SQL query is also called a (logical) query plan.
The following query:
SELECT department, name
FROM Stores, Employees
WHERE department=worksAt AND city='Liverpool';
can generate the following query plan:
\[\pi_\text{department, name}(\sigma_\text{department=worksAT AND city='Liverpool'}(\text{Stores}\times\text{Empoyees}))\]
You can also represent this as a tree:
sig[σ department=worksAt] --> times["⨉"]
times --> pid[π department] & piw[π worksAt,name]
pid --> Stores
piw --> Emplyees
- Leaves - Input Relations
- Inner Nodes - Operators
Equivalent Query Plans
There are typically many different query plans. The DBMS aims to select a best possible query plan.
Relational algebra is better suited than SQL for this:
Can use equivalence laws of relational algebra to generate a query plan for the same query that can be executed faster.
For example:
\[\sigma_\text{condition}(R_1\bowtie R_2)=\sigma_\text{condition}(R_1)\bowtie\sigma_\text{condition}(R_2)\]
subgraph Slow
sig[σ condition] --> bow["⋈"] --> R1 & R2
subgraph Parallel
bow2["⋈"] --> sig1[σ condition] & sig2[σ condition]
sig1 --> R12[R1]
sig2 --> R22[R2]
This methods detects and fixes deadlocks in strict 2PL systems.
This implements the idea that each transaction should be executed instantly when it is started.
This makes it equivalent to a serial schedule that has a transactions in the order of their start time.
Each transaction $T$ is assigned a unique integer $\text{TS}(T)$ when it starts. This is the timestamp of $T$.
If $T_1$ arrived earlier than $T_1$, we require $\text{TS}(T_1)<\text{TS}(T_2)$.
This is different to last time as we assign a new timestamp even after a restart.
Additionally, for each database item $X$, we need to maintain:
Read Time of $X$ - $\text{RT}(X)$
The timestamp of the youngest transaction that read $X$.
Write Time of $X$ - $\text{WT}(X)$
The timestamp of the youngest transaction that wrote $X$.
Action |
Timestamp |
Read Time |
Write Time |
$\text{RT}(X)=0$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=0$ |
$r_2(X)$ |
$\text{TS}(T_2)=2$ |
$\text{RT}(X)=2$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=0$ |
$r_1(X)$ |
$\text{TS}(T_1)=1$ |
$\text{RT}(X)=2$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=0$ |
$r_3(X)$ |
$\text{TS}(T_3)=3$ |
$\text{RT}(X)=3$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=0$ |
$w_2(X)$ |
$\text{RT}(X)=3$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=2$ |
$w_4(X)$ |
$\text{TS}(T_4)=4$ |
$\text{RT}(X)=3$ |
$\text{WT}(X)=4$ |
Read Requests
If $T_1$ requests to read $X$:
- Abort and restart $T_1$ if $\text{WT}(X)>\text{TS}(T_1)$.
- Else, grant request.
Write Requests
If $T_1$ requests to write $X$:
- Abort and restart $T_1$ if $\text{RT}(X)>\text{TS}(T_1)$ or $\text{WT}(X)>\text{TS}(T_1)$.
- Else, grant request.
A full example of a timestamp based schedules is given in the lecture.
Properties of Timestamp Based Scheduling
Good properties:
- Enforces conflict-serialisable schedules.
- Deadlocks don’t occur.
Bad properties:
Ensuring Strictness
Schedules enforced by timestamp based schedulers are not strict.
An additional condition can be added to enforce a strict schedule:
Delay read or write requests until the youngest transaction who wrote $X$ before has committed or aborted.
Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC)
This is a variant of timestamp scheduling used by many DBMSs. It is the same idea as timestamp based approaches by you have multiple versions of the database:
- This means that write operations do not overwrite each other, but instead $w_i(X)$ creates a new version of $X$ with it’s own timestamp $\text{TS}(T_i)$.
- Whenever you read, you read the latest version before your timestamp.
This means that a transaction only needs to restart if it tries to write and the read timestamp is later than your timestamp.
The rules are:
- For Writes - Abort and restart $T_1$ if $\text{RT}(X)>\text{TS}(T_1)$ and otherwise, grant request.
- For Reads - Always granted.
There is also a strict variant, where you delay reads until the transaction you read from commits.
There is a full example with MVCC in the lecture.
There are thee main approaches for deadlock detection:
Each transaction $T$ is assigned a unique integer $\text{TS}(T)$ upon arrival. This is the timestamp of $T$.
If $T_1$ arrived earlier than $T_1$, we require $\text{TS}(T_1)<\text{TS}(T_2)$:
- If two transactions arrive at the same time then the order doesn’t matter.
- If a transaction is restarted after an abortion, then the timestamp stays that same.
In this methods timestamps do not change even after a restart.
We then use the order of the timestamps to decide which can wait and which must abort to prevent deadlock.
Wait-Die Scheme
Older transactions always wait fro unlocks.
graph LR
T1 -->|waits for| T2
$T_1$ requests an item that is locked by $T_2$.
Therefore there can be two cases:
- $T_1$ is older than $T_2$ - $T_1$ is allowd to wait further for $T_2$ to unlock.
- $T_1$ is younger than $T_2$ - $T_1$ is rolled back and dies.
Only older transactions are allowed to wait so no cyclic dependencies are created.
Wound-Wait Scheme
Older transactions never wait for unlocks.
graph LR
T1 -->|waits for| T2
- $T_1$ is older than $T_2$ - $T_2$ is rolled back unless is has finished (it is wounded).
- $T_1$ is younger than $T_2$ - $T_1$ allowed to wait further for $T_2$ to unlock.
Only younger transactions are allowed to wait so no cyclic dependencies are created.
This works as eventually, any finite number of transactions finishes under wound-wait. Therefore, at all times, the oldest transaction can move.
Cascading rollbacks have the issues of breaking durability and they are also slow. As a result we want to avoid them.
Recoverable schedules still cascade.
Cascadeless Schedules
A schedule is cascadeless if each transaction in it reads only values that were written by transaction that have already committed.
No dirty reads = no cascading rollbacks.
Additionally, for recoverable schedules, the log records have to reach the disk in the right order.
Cascadeless schedules are recoverable but not serialisable.
Strict Schedules
A schedules is strict if each transaction in it reads and writes only values that were written by transaction that have already committed.
For example:
Strict Two-Phase Locking (2PL)
This is the most popular variant of 2PL as it enforces:
- Conflict-serialisability.
- Strict Schedules
The following constraints must be followed:
- A transaction $T$ must not release any lock that allows $T$ to write data until:
- $T$ has committed or aborted, and
- The commit/abort log record has been written to disk.
This means that:
- With simple locking no locks can be released until the conditions are met.
- With shared/exclusive locks just exclusive locks can’t be released.
For examples of strict 2PL with simple and shared/exclusive locks see the lecture.
Strict 2PL & Deadlocks
With this method there is still a risk of deadlocks we can fix this by:
- Detecting deadlocks & fixing them.
- Enforcing deadlock-free schedules.
This is an issue as deadlock-free schedules aren’t (strict) 2PL.
Schedule Categorisation
Schedules can be categorised in the following hierarchy:
- Serial
- 2PL Strict Schedules
Cascadeless Schedules
You can have a cascadeless schedule that is not strict.
Conflict Serialisable Schedules
These may or may not be cascadeless (including children).
This lecture aims to fix the Concurrency & Partial Execution Example. We said that there a no good solutions to recover from this problem.
Dirty Reads
This is where the isolation property is not enforced in order to gain efficiency:
- Spend less time preventing dirty reads.
- Gain more parallelism by executing more transactions that would otherwise have to wait.
You can set this in the DBMS:
You can also set the first value to READ ONLY
You can also set the second value to:
Cascading Rollback
If a transaction $T$ aborts then we need to:
Find all transaction that have read items written by $T$.
This is very slow and we wan to avoid this.
Recursively abort all transaction that have read items written by an aborted transaction.
If we do not abort these then we break isolation. If we do abort them then we can break durability.
Recoverable Schedules
The problem for durability in regards to cascading rollbacks is that if a transaction $T_2$ reads data from some transaction $T_1$, then $T_2$ commits and afterwards $T_1$ aborts.
We can still do cascading rollback, but only active transaction can be forced to abort.
A schedule is recoverable if the following is true:
- A transaction $T_1$ commits and has read an item $X$ that was written before by a different transaction $T_2$.
- Then $T_2$ must commit before $T_1$ commits.
There is also the following additional requirement:
This is an example of a recoverable schedule:
\[S_1: w_2(X);w_1(Y);w_1(X);\mathbf{r_2(Y)};w_2(Y);\mathbf{c_1};c_2;\]
This is however not serialisable.
By making checkpoints we can enable faster recovery and make the log files use less space.
Simple Checkpointing
This method is applicable for undo logging.
The idea is that we checkpoint the log periodically:
- Every $m$ minutes or after $t$ transaction since the last checkpoint.
- No need to undo transactions before the checkpoint.
The part before the checkpoint can be discarded from the log.
- Stop accepting new transactions
- Wait until all active transactions finish and have written
record to the log.
- Flush the log to disk.
- Write a log record
- Flush the log to disk again.
- Resume accepting transactions.
Recovery with Simple Checkpoints
To complete recovery just step back through the undo log up to the checkpoint just as before.
ARIES Checkpoints
This style of checkpoints has the following two requirements:
- Undo/redo logging is used.
- Transactions do not write to buffers before they are sure they want to commit.
- Write
in log and flush it.
T1, T2,…
are the transaction in progress (i.e. not committed and not aborted).
- Write the content of the buffer to disk (i.e. output).
- Write
in log and flush it.
Recovery with ARIES Checkpoints
This is the same as recovering with an undo/redo log except:
- Only redo part of committed transactions in
after <CHECKPOINT(T1,T2,…)>
- Then undo all of uncommitted transactions in
including before <CHECKPOINT(T1,T2,…)>
You must stop after having found a <CHECKPOINT(T1,T2,…)>
with corresponding <END CHECKPOINT>
and <START Ti>
for all mentioned transactions that are uncommitted.
This covers tutorial 4.
Add links to answers to this tutorial.
See the answers for tutorial 4 for this question.
Logging & Recovery
- Recovery with undo-logging:
- Change the value of $X$ on disk back to 10 and call abort for $T_1$ and $T_2$.
- Change:
on disk and call abort for $T_1$.
Same as 2 but also change:
- No change all transactions completed successfully.
- Values on disk:
- $X$ might be on disk.
- All values from $T_2$ must be on disk and $X$ and $Z$ might be on disk from $T_1$.
- All values from $T_2$ must be on disk and $X$, $V$ and $Z$ might be on disk from $T_1$.
- All values must be on disk.
- For the schedules in the tutorial:
- The following transactions need to be rolled back:
- $S_1$ - $T_3$
- $S_2$ - $T_2$
- $S_3$ - None
- $S_4$ - $T_3$
You should roll back any transactions with dirty reads. You should also roll back any other transaction that reads a write created by a transaction that has had a dirty read.
Dirty reads are where a transaction is allowed to read a row that has been modified by an another transaction which is not committed yet.
- This question is tedious due to the number of combinations. See the answers.
Redo Logging
Logs activities with the goal of restoring committed transactions (ignoring incomplete
Log Records:
- Same records as before and…
- New meaning of
<T, X, v>
Redo Logging Procedure
- $T$ first writes all log records for all updates.
- $T$ writes
to the log on disk.
- $T$ writes all committed updates to disk.
Redo logging has the two following fundamental principles:
occurs in the log only when the log contains complete information on $T$.
doesn’t occur in the log when $T$ hasn’t written anything to disk.
There is also the following syntax:
- Outputs the last committed value from buffer to disk.
Redo Logging Example
Time |
Transaction |
$X$ (Local) |
$Y$ (Local) |
$X$ (Buffer) |
$Y$ (Buffer) |
$X$ (Database) |
$Y$ (Database) |
Log Record Written |
0 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
read(X) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
2 |
X := X * 2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
3 |
write(X) |
2 |
2 |
1 |
10 |
<T, X, 1> |
4 |
read(Y) |
2 |
10 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
Y := Y * 2 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
6 |
write(Y) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
1 |
10 |
<T, Y, 10> |
7 |
8 |
flush_log |
(Log buffer is written to disk.) |
9 |
outcom(X) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
10 |
($X$ is written from buffer to database.) |
10 |
outcom(Y) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
($Y$ is written from buffer to database.) |
Recovery with Redo Logging
This is essentially the reverse of undo logging:
- Identify all the transactions with a
log record.
- Traverse the log from first to the last item.
- If we see
<T, X, v>
and $T$ has a COMMIT
log record, then change the value of $X$ on disk to $v$.
- For each incomplete transaction $T$, write
into the log on disk.
Undo/Redo Logging
This combines the atomicity and durability of undo and redo logging.
Log Records:
- Same as before but replace
<T, X, v>
<T, X, v, w>
- Transaction $T$ has updates the value of database item $X$, and the old and new values of $X$ are $v$ and $w$ respectively.
Undo/Redo Logging Procedure
- Write all log records for all updates to database items first.
- Then write updates to disk.
can then be written to disk before or after all change have been written to disk.
Recovery needs to process the log in both directions.
Undo/Redo Logging Example
Consider the following schedule that needs to be logged using undo/redo logging where:
$T_1$ |
$T_2$ |
read(X) |
X := X * 2 |
write(X) |
read(X) |
read (Y) |
X := X * 3 |
write(X) |
Y := Y + Y |
write(Y) |
We can put this in the following table:
Time |
Transaction $T_1$ |
Transaction $T_2$ |
Local $T_1$ $X$ |
Local $T_1$ $Y$ |
Local $T_2$ $X$ |
Local $T_2$ $Y$ |
Buffer $X$ |
Buffer $Y$ |
Disk $X$ |
Disk $Y$ |
Buffer Log |
0 |
1 |
2 |
<START T1> |
1 |
read(X) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
X := X * 2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
write(X) |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
<T1, X, 1, 2> |
4 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
<START T2> |
5 |
read(X) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
read(Y) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
X := X * 3 |
2 |
2 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
8 |
write(X) |
2 |
2 |
6 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
<T1, X, 2, 6> |
9 |
Y := X + Y |
2 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
10 |
write(Y) |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
<T1, Y, 2, 4> |
11 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
12 |
flush_log |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
(Log is written to disk) |
13 |
output(X) |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
2 |
14 |
output(Y) |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
4 |
15 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
4 |
16 |
flush_log |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
4 |
(Logs since last flush are written to disk) |
17 |
output(X) |
2 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
4 |
No change |
Undo without Redo (Force)
Undo ensures atomicity.
We can ensure durability by using force:
This forces the writing of updates to disk before commit.
No force is the opposite of this.
Force is expensive in disk operations.
Redo without Undo (No Steal)
Redo ensures durability.
We can ensure atomicity by using no steal:
No steal means that uncommitted data may not overwrite committed data on disk.
Steal is not to require this.
No steal is expensive to ensure.
Ensuring Atomicity & Durability
We could ensure atomicity and durability without a log by using no steal and force, however this is:
- Hard and expensive to ensure.
- Must write every change to disk made by the transaction while performing the commit.
In practice we use undo/redo as it is cheap and ensures atomicity and durability.
The following activities should be written to the log so that a desired database state can be recovered later:
- Starts of transactions, commits and aborts.
- Modification of database items.
This should be implemented in such a way that it should work even if the system fails.
You can use the following techniques:
- Undo Logging (Maintains atomicity.)
- Redo Logging (Maintains durability.)
- Combinations of the two which allow for atomicity and durability.
Logging Transaction Syntax
A DBMS can be modelled like so:
Transaction <--> Buffers
lm[Log Manager] --> Buffers
Buffers <--> db[(Database & Log)]
The following addition transaction syntax are required for logging:
- Writes changes only to the buffer.
- Copy database item $X$ from the buffer to the database.
- Write log entries that are currently residing in main memory (buffer) to the log.
Undo Logging
This logs the database activities with the goal of restoring a previous state:
To do this we should have log entries for the following:
Undo Logging Procedure
- If transaction $T$ updates database item $X$, and the old value was $v$, then
<T, X, v>
must be written to the log on disk before $X$ is written to the disk.
- If transaction $T$ commits, then
must be written to the disk as soon as all database element changed by $T$ are written to the disk.
This is represented in the following transaction:
Transaction |
Comments |
read(X) |
X := X*2 |
write(X) |
read(Y) |
Y := Y*2 |
write(Y) |
flush_log |
Writes all log entries for updates to disk. |
output(X) |
Writes updates for $X$ to disk. |
output(Y) |
Writes updates for $Y$ to disk. |
flush_log |
Writes the <COMMIT T> record to disk |
This is a full example of the previous table:
Time |
Transaction |
$X$ (Local) |
$Y$ (Local) |
$X$ (Buffer) |
$Y$ (Buffer) |
$X$ (Database) |
$Y$ (Database) |
Log Record Written |
0 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
read(X) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
2 |
X := X * 2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
10 |
3 |
write(X) |
2 |
2 |
1 |
10 |
<T, X, 1> |
4 |
read(Y) |
2 |
10 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
5 |
Y := Y * 2 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
6 |
write(Y) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
1 |
10 |
<T, Y, 10> |
7 |
flush_log |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
1 |
10 |
8 |
output(X) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
10 |
9 |
output(Y) |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
10 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
11 |
flush_log |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
2 |
20 |
There could be several failure scenarios:
occurs in the log on disk:
$T$ has committed successfully (no recovery is needed).
doesn’t occur in the log database and error is after output(X)
Must undo all update to database items that were written to disk.
For each log record <T, X, v>
on disk, replace $X$ on disk by $v$.
doesn’t occur in the log database and flush_log
wasn’t run:
Nothing needs to occur as no logs for the transaction were written to the disk yet.
Recovery with Undo Logs
If an error occurs we should traverse the log backwards and take the following actions. If the current entry is:
- $T$ was committed successfully.
- $T$ was manually aborted.
<T, X, v>
- If $T$ has not finished, change the value of $X$ on disk to $v$.
Then write <ABORT T>
for each uncommitted transaction $T$ that as not previously aborted and call flush_log
Dealing with ABORT
This is similar to recovery with undo logs but focuses on a single transaction:
- Assume $T$ aborts.
- Traverse the undo log from the last to the fisrt item.
- if we see
<T, X, v>
, change the value of $X$ on disk back to $v$.
Reasons For Transaction Abortions
Errors while executing transactions:
- Violation of integrity constraints, other run-time errors.
- Multiple people in a seat that should only relates to one customer.
- Concurrency control requests to abort transactions.
- When using two-phase locking.
Explicit Request:
- User says
Reasons Beyond the DBMS’s Control
Media Failure:
- The medium holding the database becomes partially or completely unreadable.
Can be guarded against by using archives and controlled redundancy with RAID.
Catastrophic Events:
- The medium holding the database is destroyed.
Can be guarded against by having archives at safe, different locations.
System Failures:
- Information about the active transaction’s state is lost.
- Could be due to power failures or software errors.
Basic locks are very simple, but not very precise:
- If we just want to read we need a full lock, even though conflicts don’t happen on a read-read.
2PL Issues
2PL ensure conflict-serialisability, by might lead to:
- Deadlocks - Where transactions are forced to wait forever.
- Other issues to be shown later.
Deadlocks in 2PL
If an object is already locked by one transaction and then another transaction also want a lock on the same object then there is a risk of deadlock.
This is as all the lock occur in the first phase so there is no chance that the object can be unlocked in order for the second transaction to use it.
Different Lock Modes
To fix the deadlock issue we can implement different lock modes that can allow read only access.
Shared & Exclusive Locks
Shared Locks (Read Lock):
- Requested by transactions to read an item $X$.
- Granted to several transactions at the same time.
The operation can be represented as s-lock(X)
Exclusive Locks (Write Lock):
- Requested be transactions to write an item $X$.
- Granted to at most one transaction at a time.
The operation can be represented at x-lock(X)
Additional Rules:
- Shared lock on $X$ is only granted if no other transaction hold an exclusive lock on $X$.
- Exclusive lock on $X$ is granted only if no other transaction holds a lock of any kind on $X$.
Schedules with Shared & Exclusive Locks
We can use the following shorthand notation to write schedules:
- $sl_i(X)$ - Transaction $i$ requests a shared lock for item $X$.
- $xl_i(X)$ - Transaction $i$ requests an exclusive lock for item $X$.
- $u_i(X)$ - Transaction $i$ releases all locks on item $X$.
For the following transactions:
$T_1$ |
$T_2$ |
s-lock(X) |
s-lock(X) |
read(X) |
read(X) |
unlock(X) |
x-lock(X) |
write(X) |
unlock(X) |
We could write the following schedule:
\[S: \mathbf{sl_1(X)};r_1(X);\mathbf{sl_2(X)};r_2(X);\mathbf{u_1(X);xl_2(X)};w_2(X);\mathbf{u_2(X)};\]
An individual transaction may hold both a shared lock and an exclusive lock for the same item $X$.
Upgrading Locks Issues
A shared lock on $X$ can be upgraded later to an exclusive lock on $X$. You can use this to be friendly to other transactions.
There is still a risk of deadlocks using this method.
Update Locks
These avoid deadlock by giving an indication that you want to write later but not right now.
Update Lock:
- Requested by a transaction to read an item.
- May be upgraded to an exclusive lock later (shared locks can no longer be upgraded).
- Granted to at most one transaction at a time.
The operation can be represented as u-lock(X)
or $ul_i(X)$.
Inter-Transaction Lock Policy
You can check if you can use a particular type of lock using the following table:
Shared |
Update |
Exclusive |
Shared |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Update |
No |
No |
No |
Exclusive |
No |
No |
No |
The lock you request is on the top and the locks other transactions hold for the same object are on the side.
2PL with Different Lock Modes
To incorporate shared, upgrade and exclusive locks with 2PL then we just use the same rules as before but for all locks:
- All lock operations (shared, upgrade and exclusive) precede all unlocks.
This still guarantees conflict-serialisability.
Locks with Multiple Granularity
DBMS may use locks at different levels of granularity (from course to fine):
Here are some examples on how granular locks might be used:
SELECT name FROM Student WHERE studentID = 123456;
A shared lock on the tuple would suffice.
SELECT avg(salary) FROM Employee;
A shared lock on the relation might be necessary.
Lock at too coarse of granularity:
- Low Overhead
- Dont need to store as much information.
- Less Degree of Concurrency
- May cause unnecessary delays.
Lock at too fine granularity:
- High Overhead
- Need to keep track of all locked items.
- High Degree of Concurrency
You should pay attention to the hierarchy to guarantee conflict-serialisability. The following should not happen:
- A transaction holds a shared lock for a tuple, while another transaction holds an exclusive lock for the relation.
Intention Locks (Warning Locks)
With this method we use only shared and exclusive locks. These are made for locking with multiple granularity.
We gain the following intention locks:
- IS - Intention to request a shared lock on a sub-item.
- IX - Intention to requrest an exlclusive lock on a sub-item.
We have the following rules:
If a transaction want to lock an item $X$, it must first put an intention lock on the super-items of $X$.
This is according to the granularity hierarchy above.
- Shared locks are IS.
- Exclusive locks are IX.
For example if I want to request a shared lock on a tuple I must then:
- Request IS on the parent block.
- Request IS on the block’s parent relation.
Policy For Granting Locks (Including Intention Locks)
You can check if you can use a particular type of lock using the following table:
Shared (S) |
Exclusive (X) |
IS |
IX |
Shared (S) |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Exclusive (X) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
IS |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
IX |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
The lock you request is on the top. You can grant the lock only if the types of locks held by other transactions are “yes” from the left.
See Locking Conflict-Serialisable Schedules for how two phase locking works.
If $S$ is a schedule containing only 2PL transactions, then $S$ is conflict-serialisable.
Claim: We can move all operation of $T_i$ to the beginning of the schedule (using swaps of consecutive non-conflicting operations).
No formal definition is given in this proof so it is better to watch the video (proof starts at 1:33).
Transaction Scheduling in a DBMS
Transaction scheduling looks like the following inside a DBMS:
graph LR
so[Stream of Operations] -->|Operations of Transactions| Scheduler -->|"(Conflict) Serialisable Schedule"| b[(Buffers)]
Scheduler -->|Execute or Delay Request| Scheduler
This needs to be completed live, as transactions come into the system.
Using Locks
This is a simple version of locking. There are more advanced versions in other lectures.
Simple Locking Mechanism
A transaction has to lock an item before it accesses it.
Locks are requested from and granted by the scheduler:
- Each item is locked by at most one transaction at a time.
- Transactions wait until a lock ca be granted.
Each lock as to be released (unlocked) eventually.
subgraph T1
subgraph T2
T1 & T2 --> Scheduler
Scheduler --> b[(Buffers)]
The other transaction is blocked from going into a locking state unless the resource is free.
Schedules With Simple Locks
We can extend the syntax for schedules by including the following two operations:
- $l_i(X)$ - Transactions $i$ requests a lock for item $X$.
- $u_i(X)$ - Transaction $i$ unlocks item $X$.
The previous graph could then be shown in the following shorthand:
\[S: \mathbf{l_1(X)};r_1(X);\mathbf{u_1(X);l_2(X);}r_2(X);w_2(X);\mathbf{u_2(X)};\]
The rules for simple locking are:
For each $r_i(X)/w_i(X)$ there is an earlier $l_i(X)$ without any $u_i(X)$ occurring between $l_i(X)$ and $r_i(X)/w_i(X)$.
A lock must be created for reads and writes to an object.
- For each $l_i(X)$ there is a later $u_i(X)$.
If $l_i(X)$ comes before $l_j(X)$, then $u_i(X)$ occurs between $l_i(X)$ and $l_j(X)$.
An object can only be locked by a single transaction at a time.
Not Serialisable
There are transactions, when they are combined with this locking technique, that produce different results compared to when they are executed serialy.
This method may not produce serialisable results.
Two-Phase Locking (2PL)
We can change the simple locking mechanism so that it guarantees conflict-serialisability .
The condition is:
- In each transaction, all lock operations should precede all unlocks.
Therefore the transaction takes place in two phases:
- Phase 1 - Request locks and possibly other read/write operations.
- Phase 2 - Unlock and possible other read/write operations.
A transaction is 2PL if all locks are completed before any unlocks.
This tutorial relates to the questions here.
Question 1
The short hand notation would be:
\[S_a: r_1(X);w_1(X);c_1;r_2(X);w_2(X);c_2;\]
The schedule is a serial schedule as the transactions are run one after the other.
The following ACID properties are broken:
- No ACID properties are broken as there are no writes to the databases mid transaction.
Question 2
- This breaks:
- Atomicity as $T_1$ is not complete.
- Maybe consistency if strong consistency is used.
- Isolation as the transaction is not serialisable.
- Durability breaks as $T_1$ is not complete.
- If $T_1$ is rolled back then the database is left in an inconsistent state due to writes caused by $T_2$.
- If we rolled both transactions back then durability is broken as we change the data committed by $T_2$.
Question 3
graph LR
T3 --> T1
T2 --> T3
T2 --> T1
No cycles so it is conflict-serialisable.
graph LR
T3 --> T1
T2 --> T3 & T1
T1 --> T3
There is a cycle between $T_3$ and $T_1$ so it is not conflict-serialisable.
Question 4
A transaction can’t be in conflict with itself. Therefore a cycle but be between two transactions and therefore be greater than 1.
Converting Schedules to Precedence Graphs
The precedence graph for a schedule $S$ is defined as follows:
- It is a directed graph.
- Its nodes are the transactions that occur in $S$.
- it has an edge from transaction $T_i$ to transaction $T_j$ if there is a conflicting pair of operations $op_1$ and $op_2$ in $S$ such that:
- $op_1$ appears before $op_2$ in $S$.
- $op_1$ belongs to transaction $T_i$.
- $op_2$ belongs to transaction $T_j$.
Convert the following schedule to a precedence graph:
\[S: r_2(X); r_1(Y); w_2(X); r_2(Y); r_3(X); w_1(Y); w_3(X); w_2(Y);\]
Connections are made on operations that overwrite existing variables (operations from different transactions that cannot be swapped without changing the behaviour of at least one transaction):
graph LR
T1 --> T2 --> T3
T2 --> T1
Testing Conflict-Serialisability
- Construct the precedence graph for $S$.
- If the precedence graph has no cycles, then $S$ is conflict-serialisable.
$S: r_1(X); w_1(X);$ $r_2(X); w_2(X);$ $r_1(Y); w_1(Y);$ $r_2(Y); w_2(Y)$:
graph LR
T1 --> T2
There are no cycles so $S$ is conflict-serialisable.
$S: r_2(X); r_1(Y);$ $w_2(X); r_2(Y);$ $r_3(X); w_1(Y);$ $w_3(X); w_2(Y)$:
graph LR
T1 --> T2 --> T3
T2 --> T1
There is a cycle to $S$ is not conflict-serialisable.
Meaning of Precedence Graphs
The following graph:
graph LR
T1 --> T2
means that an operation in $T_1$ must occur before an operation in $T_2$.
This means that in a cycle you are unable to determine the true order of operations as the transactions are co-dependant.
graph LR
T1 --> T2
T2 --> T1
For a full proof by contradiction see the slides and lecture video.
Constructing a Serial Schedule
Consider that you have the following schedule and you want to make it serial:
\[S: r_1(Y), r_3(Y), r_1(X), r_2(X), w_2(X), r_3(Z), w_3(Z), r_1(Z), w_1(Y), r_2(Z)\]
This is the equivalent precedence graph:
graph LR
T1 --> T2
T3 --> T2
T3 --> T1
To find the serial schedule:
- Find a transaction with only outgoing edges.
- Put this transaction in your schedule and remove it from the graph.
Following these rules yields the following serial-schedule:
\[S': r_3(Y), r_3(Z), w_3(Z), r_1(Y), r_1(X), r_1(Z), w_1(Y), r_2(X), w_2(X), r_2(Z)\]
This is how we calculate quickly how much concurrency we can allow while satisfying isolation and consistency.
This is a stronger from of serialisability that is used by most commercial DBMS. It is base on the notion of conflict:
A conflict in a schedule is a pair of operations, from different transaction, that cannot be swapped without changing the behaviour of at least one of the transactions.
\[r_1(X); \underbrace{w_1(X); r_2(X)}_\text{conflict}; w_2(X); r_1(Y); w_1(Y);\]
Look for a write, then read, from different transactions. Read, then write, is okay.
A conflict in a schedule is a pair of operations:
- From different transactions.
- That access the same item.
- At least one of them is a write operation.
Two schedules $S$ and $S’$ are conflict-equivalent if $S’$ can be obtained from $S$ by swapping any number of: consecutive, non-conflicting, operations from different transactions.
You want to order the transactions to make it serial:
S:& r_1(X); w_1(X); w_2(X); \mathbf{r_2(Y); r_1(Y)}; w_1(Z)\\
& r_1(X); w_1(X); \mathbf{w_2(X); r_1(Y)}; r_2(Y); w_1(Z)\\
& r_1(X); w_1(X); r_1(Y); w_2(X); \mathbf{r_2(Y); w_1(Z)}\\
& r_1(X); w_1(X); r_1(Y); \mathbf{w_2(X); w_1(Z)}; r_2(Y)\\
S':& r_1(X); w_1(X); r_1(Y); w_1(Z); w_2(X); r_2(Y)
A schedule is conflict-serialisable if it is conflict-equivalent to a serial schedule.
Hierarchy of Schedules
All of the types of schedules shown so far are represented below:
subgraph "All Schedules (Concurrent Schedules)"
subgraph Serialisable Schedules
subgraph Conflict-Serialisable Schedules
ss[Serial Schedules]
Inclusions in the diagram are strict.
Types of Schedules
So far we have seen two extremes of scheduling:
Serial Schedules
- Execute correctly.
- Maintain consistency of the database.
- Inefficient in multi-user environments (because transactions have to wait until others are finished).
Concurrent Schedules
- May not execute correctly.
- May not guarantee consistency of the database or isolation.
- Efficient in multi-user environments (if you get asked to do something, just do it!).
Concurrent Schedules
Concurrent schedules can be faster then serial ones by they are not always equivalent.
In a serial schedule you have to wait until one transaction is over until you can start another.
However by running two transactions simultaneously you may get erroneous results do to the interactions between the two transactions.
Concurrent schedules do not guarantee consistency or isolation.
Serialisable Schedules
A schedule $S$ is serialisable if there is a serial schedule $S’$ that has the same effect on $S$ on every initial database state:
Schedule $S$ |
read(X) |
X := X + N |
read(X) |
X := X + M |
write(X) |
commit |
read(Y) |
Y := Y + N |
write(Y) |
commit |
Equivalent Serial Schedule $S’$ |
read(X) |
X := X + N |
read(Y) |
Y := Y + N |
write(Y) |
commit |
read(X) |
X := X + M |
write(X) |
commit |
Serialisable schedules guarantee:
The problem is that they are difficult to test:
- Don’t depend on reads, writes, and commits, but also on the non-database operations.
- Non-database operations can be complex.
This lecture will precisely cover the four ACID properties.
A - Atomicity
A transaction is an atomic unit of processing:
- An indivisible unit of execution.
- Executed in its entirety or not at all.
Deals with failure:
- User aborts a transaction (cancel button).
- System aborts a transaction (deadlock).
- Transaction aborts itself (unexpected database state).
- System crashes, network failure and more.
There are two possible outcomes:
- Abort - An error prevented full execution:
- We undo the work done up to the error point. The system re-creates the database state as it was before the start of the aborted transaction.
- Commit - No error and the entire transaction executes:
- The system is updated correctly.
C - Consistency
A correct execution of the transaction must take the database from one consistent state to another consistent state.
There are two definitions of this property:
Weak Version - Transaction may not violate constraints.
This is the typical definition. Constraints are things such as relations and data-types.
Strong Version - It should correctly transform the database state to reflect the effect of a real world event. (ISO/IEC 10026-1:1998)
Due to the two definitions this can be hard to verify.
Transactions & Consistency
We can assume that transactions preserve consistency as:
Transactions (if run on their own) always transform a consistent database state into another consistent database state.
Transactions can only produce one of two outcomes:
- Commit - Execution was successful and the database is left in a consistent state.
- Abort - Execution was not successful and we need to restore the database to the state is was in before.
I - Isolation
A schedule satisfies isolation if and only if ($\iff$) it is serialisable
- As serialisable transactions share the same properties as multiple transactions they can be considered consistent.
- Additionally, a schedule is serialisable if and only if ($\iff$) it satisfied isolation.
SQL Isolation Levels
The SQL standard divides isolation into several levels:
- Read Uncommitted (no isolation) - It is fine if you read data which has not been committed.
- Read Committed - Everything you read must have been committed before you can see it.
Repeatable Read - Above and if you read the same thing twice in a transaction, you must get the same return value.
Other transactions don’t affect this transaction’s reads.
- Serialisable - Above and a serial schedule is followed.
Isolation level 4 is the default meaning of isolation.
Some implementations have more levels.
You can set the isolation level with the following statement:
can also be set to READ ONLY
D - Durability
Once a transaction commits and changes the database, these changes cannot be lost because of subsequent failure.
It could be overwritten by a later update.
We redo the transaction if there are any problem after the update.
Durability deals with things like media failure.
ACID & Relational DBMS Components
There are several components in a DBMS:
flowchart LR
ua([User/Application]) -->tm[Transaction Manager]
tm --> cc[Concurrency Control]
tm --> lr[Logging & Recovery]
lr <--> b[(Buffers)]
b <--> s[(Storage)]
Two of which are used to satisfy ACID:
- Atomicity - Via recovery control (Logging & Recovery)
- Consistency - Via scheduler (Concurrency Control)
- Isolation - Via scheduler (Concurrency Control)
- Durability - Via recovery control (Logging & Recovery)
Concurrency Example
Consider the concurrency example that was shown before. The specific ordering of the statements made it such that a seat was double-booked.
There are a few issues with how the transactions interacted with eachother:
- The two transactions are not isolated from each-other.
- Additionally, the outcome in not consistent with the real world.
To solve this issue we could:
- Undo the second transaction when it tries to do the second operation.
Partial Execution Example
Consider a bank transfer from one account to another. A failure, mid-transaction, could leave the database in an unacceptable state.
There is an issue with how only parts of the transaction get executed:
- A transaction should be atomic (indivisible).
- Maybe not consistent with the real world as the account is not debited properly.
To solve the issue we could:
- Undo the transaction when the computer comes back online.
Concurrency & Partial Execution Example
Consider the following turn of events:
User 1 ->> Database:Add £100 to '456'
User 2 ->> Database:Does '456' have £100?
User 2 ->> Database:Add £100 to '789'
User 2 ->> Database:Subtract £100 from '456'
note over Database: Failure, subsequent interactions don't complete.
User 1 ->> Database:Subtract £100 from '123'
- User 1 has account
- User 2 has account
This leaves User 1 with £100 more than expected.
There is an issue with how parts of the first transaction get executed:
- A transaction should be atomic.
There is an issue with how the two transactions interact:
- Consistency issue as user 2 had £100 before user 1 has committed.
- The two transactions are not isolated from each-other.
We could do nothing and the bank would lose £100:
This would result from the atomicity issue.
We could undo the first transaction, but not the second. This would leave the seccond transaction invalid if there are insufficient funds:
This results from the isolation issue.
This would give a consistency issue.
We could undo both transactions. This would make the users confused as the state is not preserved.
This is an issue as we expect that any change we make is durable.
ACID Properties
All of these properties together are called:
- Atomicity
- Consistency
- Isolation
- Durability (or permanency)
Translating SQL into Low-Level Operations
In our example table with the following schema:
Emplyees(e_id, first_name, last_name, birth_day, salary)
From this we could run the following two statements:
SELECT salary
FROM Employees
WHERE e_id = 1234;
UPDATE Employees
SET salary = salary * 1.1
WHERE e_id = 1234;
These statement could be made into the following three transaction operations:
read(e_id = 1234, salary)
salary = salary * 1.1
write(e_id = 1234, salary)
There are two database operations (read()
and write()
) and a calculation.
Basic Operations
There are two basic operations of database transactions:
- Reads a database item X
into a program variable, also called X
- Find the address of the disk block that contains item
- Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory.
- Provided that disk block isn’t already in some main memory buffer.
- Copy item
from the buffer to the program variable X
- Writes the value of program variable X
into the database item named X
- Find the address of the disk block that contains item
- Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory.
- If that disk block is not already in some main memory buffer.
- Copy item
from the program variable X
into its correct location in the buffer.
- Store the updated block from the buffer back to disk either immediately or at some later point in time.
Schedules hold many transactions for execution. The operations making up the transaction are then executed by the schedule in the date order:
- It must preserve that the operation in each transaction happen in the right order.
There are two types:
- Serial Schedules - Executes the transactions one after another.
- Concurrent Schedules - Can interleave operations from the transactions in the schedule.
Serial Schedule Example
Consider the following two transactions:
X := X + 100;
Y := Y + 50
X := X + Y;
We could write this as the following shorthand:
\[S_a:r_1(X);w_1(X);r_1(Y);w_1(Y);c_1; r_2(X); r_2(Y); w_2(X); c_2;\]
The following symbols are used:
- $S_{\text{id}}$ = Schedule (
is the schedule ID)
- $r_i(X)$ =
in transaction i
- $w_i(X)$ =
in transaction i
- $c_i$ =
in transaction i
- $a_i$ = abort (
) in transaction i
Concurrent Schedule Example
The following transactions:
X := X + 100;
Y := Y + 50
X := X + Y;
can be represented in many ways in a concurrent schedule:
\[S_b: r_1(X); w_1(X); r_2(X); r_1(Y); w_1(y); c_1; r_2(Y); w_2(X); c_2;\]
In addition all serial schedules are types of concurrent schedules.
The order of operations must still reflect that of the order of the underlying transactions.
These are a sequence of SQL statements one after the other. There may be issues if transactions are running in parallel or if a single transaction fails.
If multiple people are interacting with a database then you may run into bugs like the following:
User 1-)Database:Which seats on flight 123 are available?
User 2-)Database:Which seats on flight 123 are available?
User 1-)Database:Book seat 14B.
User 2-)Database:Book seat 14B.
This might lead to an inconsistent database.
If “User 1” completed their transaction all in one go then this wouldn’t be a problem.
Transactions Solution
This allows a series of statements to be grouped together and run in order:
FROM Flights
WHERE flightNo = 123 AND date = '2020-10-30'
AND seatStatus = 'available';
UPDATE Flights
SET seatStatus = 'occupied'
WHERE flightNo = 123 AND date = '2020-10-30'
AND seatNo = '14B';
is often not required.
Before COMMIT;
all changes are tentative.
By running a transaction we ensure serialisable behaviour:
- This is like the whole transaction is run in isolation from other transactions.
Partial Execution
If a transaction failed half way through a transaction this could leave the database in an unacceptable state. For example if an error occurred half way through a transaction.
Transactions Solution
To fix this SQL allows us to state that a transaction must be executed atomically (as a whole or not at all):
UPDATE Accounts
SET balance = balance + 100
WHERE accountNo = 456;
UPDATE Accounts
SET balance = balance - 100
WHERE accountNo = 123;
Transaction Syntax
A transaction is a sequence of SQL statement wrapped in:
-- SQL Statements
aborts the transaction and enacts no changes.
This tutorial wasn’t that great. It would be much better if this was on a live database so I’ve got no idea if any of these are actually right.
Part 1
Average grade:
FROM Enrolment
WHERE s_id=1;
Years of COMP207 teaching:
FROM CoursesInYear
WHERE code='COMP207';
Students in COMP207 in 2021:
FROM Enrolment
WHERE code='COMP207' AND year='2021';
Simple Joins
Lecturers teach me, sorted by birthday:
SELECT DISTINCT first_name, last_name
FROM Lecturers L, CoursesInYear CIY, Enrolment E
WHERE E.code = CIY.code AND CIY.l_id = L.l_id AND E.s_id = 1
SORT BY L.birthday;
Names of courses you attend, sorted by name:
FROM Enrollment E, Courses C
Where e.code=c.code
ORDER BY name;
Names of courses Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen has taught:
from CourseesInYear ciy, Lecturers l, Courses c
WHERE ciy.code=c.cody AND l.l_id=ciy.L_id
AND first_name='Rasmus' AND Last_name='Ibsen-Jensen'
ORDER BY c.code;
What names of students, lecturers and courses exist:
SELECT first_name AS name
FROM Students
SELECT first_name AS name
FROM Lecturers
SELECT name AS name
FROM Courses
List all lecturers and students ordered by first name and last name:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM Students
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM Lecturers
ORDER BY first_name, last_name;
Order of Execution
SQL queries have the following order of execution:
Views are saved queries that you can use as virtual tables.
Consider the following tables:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
2000-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
t_id |
c_id |
e_id |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
19 |
3 |
Say we completed a complex query and we want to save it. We can add a line to the query for the table to be saved as a VIEW
CREATE VIEW Employee_transaction_count AS
SELECT first_name, e_id, COUNT(t_id)
FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
GROUP BY first_name, e_id;
This would save the following VIEW
Views as Virtual Tables
To query a VIEW
you would do it like any other query:
SELECT first_name, COUNT(t_id)
FROM Employee_transaction_count;
This would create the following result:
first_name |
COUNT(t_id) |
Anne |
2 |
William |
1 |
Restrictions of Views
Relational Algebra
This is mathematics over a relational set of tables. As it is in a table you use set semantics as there is no order and no duplicates.
This is very important for optimisation.
Projection ($\pi$)
$\pi_\text{attribute list}(R)=$ restricts $R$ to attributes in the attribute list.
As an example we can have the following expression:
\[\pi_\text{family_name,birthday} (\text{Employees})\]
This would produce the following output:
family_name |
birthday |
Smith |
1990-11-10 |
Jones |
2000-02-05 |
Taylor |
1995-05-09 |
This is the same as the following SQL query:
SELECT DISTINCT family_name, birthday
FROM Employees;
We are using DISTINCT
due to the set semantics of the expression.
Renaming ($\rho$)
$\rho_{A1\rightarrow B1,A2\rightarrow B2,\ldots}=$ renames attribute $A1$ to $B1$, attribute $A2$ to $B2$ and so on.
As an example we can have the following expression:
This would give the following table:
bday |
first_name |
family_name |
1990-11-19 |
Anne |
Smith |
2000-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
This is the same as the following SQL query:
SELECT DISTINCT birthday AS bdday,first_name,family_name
FROM Employees;
Selection ($\sigma$)
$\sigma_\text{condition}(R) =$ set of all tuples in $R$ that satisfy the condition.
As an example we can have the following expression:
Which gives the following table:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
This is the same as the following SQL query:
FROM Employees
WHERE first_name='Anne';
In SQL you should remember that you select using the WHERE
Cartesian Product ($\times$)
$R_1\times R_2=$ pairs each tuple in $R_1$ with each tuple in $R_2$.
Consider the following tables:
code |
year |
sem |
COMP105 |
1 |
1 |
COMP201 |
2 |
1 |
name |
module |
John |
COMP105 |
Sebastian |
COMP201 |
An example relational algebra expression could be:
Which gives the following table:
code |
year |
sem |
name |
module |
COMP105 |
1 |
1 |
John |
COMP105 |
COMP105 |
1 |
1 |
Sebastian |
COMP201 |
COMP201 |
2 |
1 |
John |
COMP105 |
COMP201 |
2 |
1 |
Sebastian |
COMP201 |
This is the same as the following query:
FROM Modules, Lecturers;
Natural Join ($\bowtie$)
$R_1\bowtie R_2=$ pairs of each tuple in $R_1$ with each tuple in $R_2$ with matching common attributes.
As an example we could have the following expression:
This would give the following table:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
t_id |
c_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
3 |
19 |
This is the same as the following SQL query:
Additional Functions
- Left/right semi-join ($\ltimes/\rtimes)$ - Returns the rows from the left/right table that would be matched to a row on the other side in a natural join.
- This function is part of relational algebra but is complex to define.
See SQL Queries (Optional Part) for additional examples of semi-join and GROUP BY
Combined Example
With the following schema:
Consider the following relational algebra example:
\[\rho_{a\rightarrow z}(R\times S)\bowtie T\]
You could write this in the following SQL query:
FROM (SELECT a AS z, b c, d
This tutorial is focused on the tutorial 1 exercises which can be found here.
Part 1
Students(first_name, last_name, birthday, s_id)
Enrolments(s_id, course_code, year)
Students - 4 columns by 5 rows
Enrolments - 3 columns by 9 rows
Creating tables:
first_name VARCHAR(20),
last_name VARCHAR(20),
birthday DATE,
s_id INT,
CREATE TABLE Enrollments {
s_id INT,
course_code CHAR(7),
year INT
CONSTRAINT FK_Enrollents FOREIGN KEY(s_id) REFERENCES Employees(s_id)
Deleting enrolment:
DELETE FROM Enrolments WHERE s_id=4 AND course_code='COMP201';
Deleting column:
ALTER TABLE Students DROP COLUMN birthday;
Changing names:
UPDATE Students SET first_name='Leah' WHERE s_id=2;
Part 2
- Works
- Fails - Longer than 20 characters.
- Fails - Identical
- Fails - No parent in
- Works
- Fails - No primary key (
) set.
- Fails - Missing
- Fails - Incorrect attribute names.
- Fails - Orphans left in
- Fails - No parent in
- Fails - Orphans left in
- Fails - Deletes all entries leaving orphans in
- Works
- Works - Deletes all entries
This is basically the same as in mathematical sets. Consider the following table:
birtday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
2000-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
2995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
Executing the following query would give the following table:
SELECT first_name AS name
FROM Employees
SELECT family_name
FROM Employees;
name |
Anne |
David |
William |
Smith |
Jones |
Taylor |
The name of the column comes from the first SELECT
The things in the UNION
must have similar data-types and also the same number of columns.
Similar Data-Types
Different implementations have different definitions of what classes as a “similar data-type”. Generally you can mix most things but you should check the docs for your specific implementation.
These aren’t required to form a valid query and are extensions to standard queries.
SQL queries have the following form:
The first two parts are required to have a valid query.
This is already mostly covered in SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML).
In addition to providing a list like here you can also use sub-queries:
DELETE FROM Students WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM Lecturers);
you can also do the same for a SELECT
SELECT * FROM Students WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM Lecturers);
This is a generalisation of IN
you can write a sub-query and if it returns something, the current row will be kept, otherwise thrown out. You can use attributes from the current row in the sub-query:
FROM Students
FROM Lecturers
WHERE AND Students.last_name=Lecturers.last_name);
It is common to use the constant 1
when we just want to have an output or not.
Most types on joins are done in the FROM
clause. The only difference is semi-joins that are done from WHERE
A left semi-join between two tables $A$ and $B$, finds the subset of row in $A$ that would be used to form some row of the natural join of $A$ and $B$.
A right semi-join would find the subset of $B$ instead.
These are done using EXISTS
(or IN
, if there is only one shared attribute).
We will complete a left semi-join for the following tables (Employees to Transactions):
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
t_id |
c_id |
e_id |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
19 |
3 |
We would use the following query:
FROM Employees E
FROM Transaction T
WHERE E.e_id=T.e_id);
This gives the following output:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
Notice that only one Anne
row is output even though two transactions where done under here e_id
. This is as this method can only remove rows.
allows you to count transactions for each employee rather than just for one by using a WHERE
clause. For the following tables:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
t_id |
c_id |
e_id |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
19 |
3 |
You could count the number of transactions for all e_id
using the following query:
SELECT e_id, COUNT(t_id)
FROM Transactions
GROUP BY e_id;
This would return the following table:
Notice how the behaviour of COUNT
changes due to the iteration.
When using GROUP BY
you can only include in SELECT
attributes that we GROUP BY
or aggregates.
There are a couple of ways to overcome this:
Including additional attributes into the GROUP BY
SELECT first_name, e_id, COUNT(t_id)
FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
GROUP BY first_name, e_id;
This seems like my preferred method.
Including the additional attribute in an aggregate:
SELECT MIN(first_name), e_id, COUNT(t_id)
FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
GROUP BY e_id;
This works as each e_id
will have on associated first_name
, taking the MIN
will return the only entry.
These both give the following output where the first_name
included too:
first_name |
e_id |
COUNT(t_id) |
Anne |
1 |
2 |
William |
3 |
1 |
Intuitive Method
Intuitively GROUP BY
works like this:
- Do the previous part of the query until
(except ignoring the part in SELECT
- Split the resulting table into sub-tables:
One sub-table for each value of the variables in GROUP BY
. (If you had first_name
and e_id
, yo would have a sub-tale for each pair of first_name
and e_id
This means that if you had two employees called Anne you would have two sub-tables, one for each Anne, identified by their e_id
This means that for the following query you would get the following table (prior to SELECT
ing the required rows):
FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
GROUP BY first_name, e_id;
first_name |
e_id |
sub-table(birthday) |
sub-table(family_name) |
sub-table(c_id) |
sub-table(t_id) |
Anne |
1 |
1990-11-10 |
Smith |
3 |
1 |
” |
” |
1990-11-10 |
Smith |
6 |
2 |
William |
3 |
1995-05-09 |
Taylor |
19 |
3 |
As the table is grouped by the first_name
and e_id
these are pulled out of the table and redundant rows are removed. Aggregates are then calculated on the sub-tables of each group.
This is just WHERE
but done after a GROUP BY
. This means that it doesn’t affect GROUP BY
and can be used on aggregates on the sub-tables in its expressions.
For the following query:
SELECT first_name,e_id,COUNT(t_id)
FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
GROUP BY first_name, e_id
HAVING MIN(c_id)<5;
you would get the following output:
first_name |
e_id |
COUNT(t_id) |
Anne |
1 |
2 |
This is for the same table as used on GROUP BY
This defines how the output is sorted:
SELECT first_name
FROM Employees
ORDER BY family_name;
first_name |
David |
Anne |
William |
You can also have more than one attribute in ORDER BY
. Then it would order those attributes in order.
It defaults to ascending order. You can also do descending by writing DESC
after the attribute you want to sort.
SQL queries have the following form:
The first two parts are required to have a valid query.
Basic Query
For the following table:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
This will return all the entries in a given table.
defines what is outputted, making you able to do four kinds of modifications to it:
- Projection ($\pi$)
- Renaming ($\rho$)
- Creating new columns.
The symbols will be explained in the SQL misc. lecture.
You can also combine these modifications as you like.
Projection ($\pi$)
Projection allows you to sleect attributes you wan to keep.
You use it by writing a list of attributes:
SELECT family_name, birthday FROM Employees;
The order of the attributes matters.
is for removing duplicated rows. If we select normally like this:
SELECT first_name FROM Employees;
then we will get duplicates if two entries share an attribute.
We can use the following:
SELECT DISTINCT first_name FROM Employees;
to only get unique entries for a projection.
Renaming ($\rho$)
This allows you to rename attributes. You use it by writing AS
and then the new name after the attribute:
SELECT birthday, first_name, family_name AS surname FROM Employees;
This would rename the family_name
attribute to surname
on the output table.
Creating New Columns
You can also create new columns, using maths on current columns. You would also typically give the column a new name.
For the following table:
name |
price |
number |
2L Cola |
3.00 |
20 |
Banana |
0.10 |
120 |
Toilet Paper |
2.00 |
0 |
running this query:
SELECT name, price, number, price * number AS total_cost FROM Items;
would give the following result:
name |
price |
number |
total_cost |
2L Cola |
3.00 |
20 |
90.00 |
Banana |
0.10 |
120 |
12.00 |
Toilet Paper |
2.00 |
0 |
0.00 |
Other operations are +
, -
, /
and %
You can also do aggregates, like sums or counts over the output table. For example, to sum up all the items in the shop you could run the following query:
SELECT SUM(number) FROM Items;
This would produce the following table:
You can also do COUNT
and MAX
can contain many input tables and we combine them together in various ways. You can combine them with:
- Cross Product ($\times$)
- Natural Join ($\bowtie$)
Cross Product ($\times$)
For the following tables:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
name |
price |
number |
2L Cola |
3.00 |
20 |
Banana |
0.10 |
120 |
with the following query:
SELECT first_name, name FROM Employees, Items;
you will get the following output table:
first_name |
name |
Anne |
2L Cola |
Anne |
Banana |
David |
2L Cola |
David |
Banana |
William |
2L Cola |
William |
Banana |
This is every combination of rows, in the order of Employees $\times$ Items.
It is called the product as the size of the resultant table is $3\times2=6$.
Natural Join ($\bowtie$)
The two tables to be joined should have some overlap. For the following tables:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
t_id |
c_id |
e_id |
1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
19 |
3 |
with the following query:
SELECT * FROM Employees NATURAL JOIN Transactions
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
e_id |
t_id |
c_id |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
1 |
3 |
1 |
200-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
2 |
6 |
1 |
1995-05-09 |
William |
Taylor |
3 |
19 |
3 |
This just extends the attributes and joins with identical attributes.
Formally, you take the cross product, remove all rows where the common attributes don’t match and then only keep one column fro each common attribute.
This means that the following query is the same as the last natural join:
SELECT birthday, first_name, family_name, Employees.e_id AS e_id, t_id, c_id
FROM Employees, Transactions
WHERE Employees.e_id = Transactions.e_id;
Using Tablename.attribute
is how you reference an attribute multiple tables have in common.
You can also assign shorthands to table names:
SELECT birthday, first_name, family_name, E.e_id AS e_id, t_id, c_id
FROM Employees E, Transactions T
WHERE E.e_id = T.e_id;
Natural join has some issues when equivalent records (or attributes with different meanings.) can’t be found between tables. This results in empty output.
Queries are not covered in this lecture and will have their own notes.
For the following table:
name |
number |
programme |
Anna |
20171989 |
G402 |
John |
20174378 |
G702 |
If you want to insert a value you would use the following command:
INSERT INTO Students VALUES('Oliver', 20171112, 'G402');
is used to denote the start and end of a string and not "
To insert a tuple while missing an attribute you can use the following:
INSERT INTO Students(programme, name) VALUES('G702', 'Danny');
The unused attribute will be filled with null
In the SQL languages --
is used to denote comments.
To remove an entry from the result of a simple query you can do the following:
DELETE FROM Students WHERE name='John';
If you write DELETE FROM Students;
you will remove all the entries from the table.
For comparisons you can use the following:
- You can also use
or !=
for the last item.
You can also use some boolean operations:
- E.g.
Price BETWEEN 10 AND 20
matches single characters.
matches any number of characters.
For combinations you can use the following:
... WHERE name='Oliver' AND programme='G402';
To specify a set to match against you can use the IN
DELETE FROM Students WHERE name IN('John','Sebastian');
To update the contents of a row you can do the following:
UPDATE Students SET programme='G402' WHERE name='Oliver';
You can also update programatically:
UPDATE Students SET number=number+1 WHERE name='Oliver';
This covers how to:
databases, tables and their attributes.
Create a Database
Databases are similar to a folder and are initially empty. They can be filled with tables.
CREATE DATABASE databasename;
The commands in SQL are not case-sensitive. Conventionally, they are in upper-case.
Creating Tables
CREATE TABLE Table_name (
column1 datatype,
column2 datatype,
column3 datatype
You can use whatever type of white-space you want to separate key-words.
The schema of this table would be:
Table_name(column1, column2, column3)
Datatype |
Description |
Integers |
Floating-point numbers |
CHAR(x) |
Fixed length string of length x . Spaces are required for padding. |
Variable length string of max length x . |
Date of format YYY-MM-DD . |
Format of YYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS . |
For XML files. |
For binary files. |
There are also other data-types for other precisions.
For the following table:
birthday |
first_name |
family_name |
1990-11-10 |
Anne |
Smith |
2000-02-05 |
David |
Jones |
You would use the following command to create an appropriate table:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
birthday DATE,
first_name VARCHAR(100),
family_name VARCHAR(100)
The schema of this table would be:
Employees(birthday, first_name, family_name)
You can specify that you want some attributes to be unique per entry:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
birthday DATE,
first_name VARCHAR(100),
family_name VARCHAR(100)
CONSTRAINT UC_Employees UNIQUE(birthday, first_name)
is just a reference so that we can refer to the constraint.
Primary Key
You can specify how the data should be sorted physically in storage by defining a primary key.
CREATE TABLE Employees (
birthday DATE,
first_name VARCHAR(100),
family_name VARCHAR(100)
CONSTRAINT PK_Employees PRIMARY KEY(birthday, first_name)
- There can only be one primary key constraint per table.
- Rows in a primary key must be unique.
Foreign Key
A foreign key is used to link tow tables together explicitly:
- It points from some attributes in one table (the child table) to the primary key of another (the parent table).
- It ensures that the values, in the attributes of the foreign key in the child table, must also be in the parent table.
- Can be used to create custom data-types, by having a table with all the values you want to allow.
Create the parent table:
CREATE TABLE Employees (
e_id INT,
first_name VARCHAR(100),
family_name VARCHAR(100)
Create a child table referencing the parent table:
CREATE TABLE Transaction (
emp_id INT,
CONSTRAINT FK_Transactions FOREIGN KEY (emp_id)
REFERENCES Employees(e_id)
Deleting is called DROP
in SQL. To delete a database you would use:
To delete a table:
You can also remove unique, primary key or foreign keys. You should look this up if required.
Modifying Tables
To alter a table adding an attribute you could:
ALTER TABLE Employees ADD email VARCHAR(100);
To alter and existing attribute:
ALTER TABLE Employees MODIFY email VARCHAR(200);
This allows longer emails under the email
keyword is variable depending on the implementation.
To remove a column you must modify the table:
Relational Databases
- Data is organised into tables.
- Tables have a table name.
- Tables have attributes (columns).
- All elements in a column are of the same datatype.
- Tables have tuples (rows).
- Each table has a schema. This lists the attributes of a table e.g:
Tables typically have:
- Few columns that are fixed.
- A variable number of rows.
Each row corresponds to an entity, or a relationship between entities.
- Each row corresponds to the same kind of entity or relation.
- This could be a table of many employees details or many transactions.
- If two rows are the same they are the same item, as opposed to two identical items.
Relational databases are accessed using SQL (standard query language). This standard is updated every few years but implementations may not exactly follow the standard.
SQL Parts
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Create/alter/delete databases, tables and their attributes.
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Add/remove/update and query rows in tables.
- Transact-SQL
- Completing a sequence of SQL statements.
Running Example - Supermarket
The example for the course is a fake supermarket called CS Store. It is initially based in Liverpool but will become a national company.
Relational DBMS Components
A DBMS is a database management system.
flowchart TD
QC <-.-> B
ua[User/Application] --> QC[Query Compiler] --> EE[Execution Engine] <--> IFRM[Index/File/Record Manager] <--> BMSM[Buffer manager & Storage Manager]
ua --> TM[Transaction Manager] --> LR[Logging & Recovery] & CC[Concurrency Control]
LR <-.-> B[(Buffers)]
EE <-.-> B
BMSM <--> S[(Storage)]
BMSM <--> B
BMSM <--> LR
EE --> LR
subgraph Query Processing - Week 7
subgraph Transaction Management - Week 3-5
EE <--> CC