Key-Value Stores
This is the simplest type of database with only two columns, one for the key and one for the value.
They have a simple access mechanism:
- Returns the local value for key $k$.write(k, v)
- Inserts value $v$ under key $k$.
Distributed Storage
Each key-value pair $(k,v)$ is stored at some node:
- Assign values $v$ for $k$ to integers between 0 and $2^n-1$ where $n$ is large enough to hold all nodes and duplicates:
This uses a hash function:
- Distribute node to some of the integers (typically randomly). This creates a ring of nodes.
- If $(k,v)$ is assigned to integer $i$, it is stored at the node following $i$ on the ring.
Scalability via Horizontal Fragmentation
New nodes can be added to the ring easily:
- Add nodes to free range(s) and more key-value pairs appropriately.
- Automatic horizontal fragmentation.
Replication is used to ensure availability.
Replicas (copies of the key-value pairs) are stored on consecutive nodes on the ring in clockwise order.
Eventual Consistency
DynomoDB and Voldemort allow multiple versions of a data item to be present at the same time (versioning):
- If a newer version of a data item is not yet available at a node, the older version is used.
- This is fine for many applications, like a shopping cart.
If this isn’t good enough we can assign a vector clock to each version of an item $X$:
- A list (vector) of pairs
(node, timestamp)
- The node that has written $X$.timestamp
- The local time on the node the iem $X$ was written.
- Use the clock to decide if version $V_1$ originated from version $V_2$:
$V_1$ originated from $V_2$ if, for all nodes in $V_2$s clock, the corresponding timestamp is $\leq \text{timestamp in }V_1$.
Check that all the numbers in the vector clock are bigger, or equal to, the previous clock.
If it is incomparable (multiple values change), return all possibilities.
This is if some numbers are bigger and smaller between versions.
Incomparability between versions are resolved at read-time.
Property Implementation
- Scalability:
- Adding new nodes to increase capacity is easy.
- Automatic horizontal fragmentation.
- Availability & Fault-Tolerance:
- Due to replication.
- Can retrieve value for a key, even if a few nodes storing values for that key fail.
- High Performance:
- Retrieving the value for a key is fast:
- Apply the hash function to determine the node, then ask the node.
- The same is true for writing.
- Retrieving the value for a key is fast: