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UoL CS Notes

Introduction to Query Processing

COMP207 Lectures

The query compiler and execution engine are responsible for:

  • Transforming SQL queries into sequences of database operation.
  • Executing these operations.

Query Processing

Query processing is completed in the following order:

a[ ] -->|SQL Query| pqp[Parse Query & Pre-process] -->|"Logical Query Plan (relational algebra)"| olqp[Optimise Logical Query Plan] -->|Optimised Logical Query Plan| spqp[Select Physical Query Plan] -->|Physical Query Plan| qe[Query Execution]

Relational Algebra

The following set of operation can be applied to relations to compute new relations:

  • Selection ($\sigma$)
  • Projection ($\pi$)
  • Cartesian Product ($\times$)
  • Union ($\cup$)
  • Renaming ($\rho$)
  • Natural Join ($\bowtie$)
  • Semijoin ($\ltimes$)

These are covered in prior lectures.

Query Plan

A relation algebra expression that is obtained from an SQL query is also called a (logical) query plan.

The following query:

SELECT department, name
FROM Stores, Employees
WHERE department=worksAt AND city='Liverpool';

can generate the following query plan:

\[\pi_\text{department, name}(\sigma_\text{department=worksAT AND city='Liverpool'}(\text{Stores}\times\text{Empoyees}))\]

You can also represent this as a tree:

sig[σ department=worksAt] --> times["⨉"]
times --> pid[π department] & piw[π worksAt,name]
pid --> Stores
piw --> Emplyees
  • Leaves - Input Relations
  • Inner Nodes - Operators

Equivalent Query Plans

There are typically many different query plans. The DBMS aims to select a best possible query plan.

Relational algebra is better suited than SQL for this:

  • Can use equivalence laws of relational algebra to generate a query plan for the same query that can be executed faster.

    For example:

    \[\sigma_\text{condition}(R_1\bowtie R_2)=\sigma_\text{condition}(R_1)\bowtie\sigma_\text{condition}(R_2)\]
      subgraph Slow
      sig[σ condition] --> bow["⋈"] --> R1 & R2
      subgraph Parallel
      bow2["⋈"] --> sig1[σ condition] & sig2[σ condition]
      sig1 --> R12[R1]
      sig2 --> R22[R2]