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UoL CS Notes

Computing Joins Using Sorting

COMP207 Lectures


An equijoin:


is defined as:

\[\sigma_{A=B}(R\times S)\]

$A,B$ are the join attributes.

You can see an example on the following tables:

  • Stores

    code city
    12345 1
    67910 2
  • Employees

    name depart
    Oscar 12345
    Janice 67910
    David 67910
  • $\text{Stores}\bowtie_\text{code=depart}\text{Employees}$

    code city name depart
    1235 1 Oscar 12345
    67910 2 Janice 679810
    67910 2 David 678910

Merging (Merge Sort)

If $R$ is sorted on $A$ and $S$ is sorted on $B$, then $R\bowtie_{A=B}S$ can be computed with one pass over $R$ and $S$ + run time equal to the size of the output.

With sorted tables we can just step through the columns in the constraint ($A$ and $B$) while one is smaller than the other and just print out when the constraint is matched.

This gives a runtime of:

\[O\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert +\text{size of output}\]

Merging with Duplicates in Column $A$

If there are duplicates in the left table then you can just loop through the right table again for the duplicate values.


You can use the following algorithm to compute this:

Sort $R$ on $A$
Sort $S$ on $B$
Merge the sorted $R$ and $S$

  1. Running time $O(\lvert R\rvert \times \log_2\lvert R\rvert)$
  2. Running time $O(\lvert S\rvert \times \log_2\lvert S\rvert)$
  3. Running time O\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert +\text{size of output}

Therefore the typical running time is:

\[O(\lvert R\rvert\log_2\lvert R\rvert +\lvert S\rvert\log_2\lvert S\rvert)\]

This is much faster than nested loop join but is the same in the worse case scenario.

Running Time vs. Disk Access

  • $B$ - Size of a disk block (512/4k bytes)
  • $M$ - Number of disk blocks that fit into available RAM
Algorithm No. of Elementary Operations No. of Disk Accesses
Reading a relation $R$. $O(\lvert R\rvert)$ $O(\frac{\lvert R \rvert}B)$
Sorting $R$ on attrubte $A$ $O(\lvert R\rvert\log_2\lvert R \rvert)$ $O(\frac{\lvert R\rvert}B\log_M\frac{\lvert R \rvert}B)$