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UoL CS Notes

Deletion & Properties of B+ Trees

COMP207 Lectures

Deleting Values

To delete a value/pointer pair:

  1. Find the leaf that should contain the value.
    • If not there then we are done.
  2. Remove the value/pointer pair.
  3. Let the current node $C$.
  4. Let $x$ be:

    \[x= \begin{cases} 2 & \text{if } C\text{ is root}\\ \lceil\frac{n+1}2\rceil & \text{if } C \text{ id internal node}\\ \lfloor\frac{n+1} 2\rfloor & \text{if } C \text{ is leaf} \end{cases}\]
    • If $C$ has above $x$ pointers - Fix ancestors (if necessary) and you are done.
    • if $C$ is the root but not a leaf - Remove it (and let the child of the root be the new root).
    • Otherwise, check if an adjacent node has at least $x+1$ pointers.

      A node is adjacent to another if they are at the same depth and their common ancestor has no descendant at that depth between them.

      • If so - Take one, fix ancestors (if necessary) and you are done.
      • Otherwise - Merge with sibling and go to line 3 with the parent as the current node.

The running time is:


where $h$ is the height of the B+ tree.

The real running time is:

\[O(h\times D)\]

where $D$ is the time for a disk operation.

Properties of B+ Tree Indexes

  • Fast lookups, insertions and deletions:

    \[\begin{aligned} O(h\times\log_2n) & = O(\log_nN\times\log_2n)\\ & = O(\log_2N) \end{aligned}\]

    where $n\approx B$ and $h$ is the height of the tree.

  • They remain balanced when modified.
  • Huge capacity, even with height 3 if blocks are large enough:
    • Block Size - 16K
    • Values Stores in Index - 4 bytes
    • Pointers - 8 bytes
    • Largest $n$ so that each B+ tree node fits into a block is 1364.
    • B+ trees with height 3 can store $>n^3=2.5\times 10^9$ values.
  • Can be implemented efficiently with respect to number of disk accesses:
    • Number of disk accesses is typically $\approx 2+h$, where $h$ is the height of the B+ tree.
  • Most of the B+ tree can be kept in memory:
    • Specifically the upper levels.