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UoL CS Notes

Morphological Operations

ELEC319 Lectures

Morphology is concerned with the shape of structures.

Morphological Erosion

morphological erosion 1

The final image is a subset ($\subseteq$) of the original image.

Allows objects to shrink and separates objects & regions.

It is a pixel-by-pixel operation, sliding the structuring element (SE) at every pixel:

  1. If the origin of the SE coincides with a 0 (background pixel) of the image:
    • There is no change, move the the next pixel.
  2. If th origin of the SE coincides with 1 (foreground pixel):
    • Perform an AND operation on all the pixels within the SE.

Pixel-by-pixel operations are very slow.

Erosion is expressed by the set operation:

\[A\ominus B\]


  • $A$ - The source image.
  • $B$ - The structuring element.

This is good for getting rid of salt noise (white spots) on images.

Morphological Dilation

morphological dilation 2

This is the opposite of erosion, allowing objects to expand.

It is a pixel-by-pixel operation, sliding the structuring element (SE) at every pixel:

  1. If the origin of the SE coincides with a 0 (background pixel) of the image:
    • There is no change, move the the next pixel.
  2. If th origin of the SE coincides with 1 (foreground pixel):
    • Perform an OR operation on all the pixels within the SE.

This results in the maximum output of the local region of the structuring element.

Dilation is expressed by the set operation:

\[A\oplus B\]

This is good for getting rid of pepper noise.

Other Morphological Operations

Morphological Opening

This is erosion followed by dilation with the same structuring element:

\[A\circ B = (A\ominus B)\oplus B\]

This smooths contours and removes noise.

Morphological Closing

Dilation followed by erosion with the smae structuring element:

\[A\bullet B = (A\oplus B)\ominus B\]

Joins nearby connected components together.

Morphological Boundary Extraction

We can get the boundary of an object by:

  1. Eroding with a suitable SE.
  2. Subtract this form the original image.
\[\beta(A) = A-A\ominus B=A-(A\ominus B)\]

Extracting Connected Components

Extraction of connected components can be performed using morphological operation as an iterative procedure.

  1. Let $x_k$ denote the set of connected foreground pixels at the $k^{\text{th}}$ iteration.
  2. Start the procedure at one of the connected foreground pixels $x_0$.
    • $x_0$ is known as the seed.
  3. Dilate this pixel: $x_0\oplus B$
  4. To stop this dilation becoming connected to pixels which are not part of this component, perform a logical AND with the image:

    \[(x_0\oplus B)\cap A\]
  5. Use the resulting output as the seed for the next iteration.
  6. Repeat this until no more extractions can be made.

This can be expressed in the following steps:

  1. Do for $k={1,\ldots}$:

    \[x_k(x_{k-1}\oplus B)\cap A\]
  2. Until:


Region Filling

This closes holes in objects. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Set:

    \[x_0=1, x_x\oplus B\]
  2. Do for $k={1,\ldots}$:

    \[x_k=(x_{k-1})\cap \bar A\]
  3. Until:

    \[x_k = x_{k-1}\]

Hit-and-Miss Transform

This searches for images the structuring component in an image. It is given by:

\[A\otimes B=(A\ominus B_1)\cap(\bar A\ominus B_2)\]

Where we have two structuring elements:

\[B_1\cap B_2=\emptyset\]


This is the process for reducing foreground regions in a binary image to a skeletal remnant.

Let $A$ be an image and $B$ be a structuring element.

Let $(A\ominus kB)$ denote $k$ successive erosions of $A$ using $B$.

The the skeleton of an image $A$ is:

\[S(A)=\bigcup^K_{k=0}\left\{(A\ominus kB)-(A\ominus kB)\circ B\right\}\]
  • $K$ is the maximum number of iterations before the image is eroded to nothing.


The difference between the image $I$ and the opened version of the image $I$:

\[T(I)=I\hat\circ s=I-I\circ s\]

This returns object of an image that are:

  • Smaller than the SE
  • Brighter than their surroundings.

This highlights peaks.


The difference between the closed version of the image and the image $I$:

\[B(I) = I\hat\bullet s=I\bullet s-I\]

Returns objects of an image that are:

  • Smaller than the SE
  • Darker than their surrounding.

This highlights valleys.

