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UoL CS Notes

Nearest Neighbour Classifier - 2

COMP111 Lectures

$k$-Nearest Neighbour Classifier

For $x$ to be classifier find $k$ nearest $x_{i_1},\ldots,x_{i_k}$ in the training data.

Classify $x$ according to the majority vote of their class labels.

For $k=3$:

The nearest k classified nodes are connected to an unclassified node. It's classification is defined by majority vote.

The $k$ represents the number of closest labels you are taking into account.

1: Input: training data (x0, L(x0)), ... , (xn, L(xn))
2:     new x ∈  X to be classified
4: for i = 0 to n do
5:     Compute distance d(x, xi)
6: endfor
7: Let xi1, ... , xik be the list of items such that
8:     d(x, xij) is among the k smallest distances
9: return label L which occurs most frequently in L(xi1), ... , L(xik) (majority vote)

Learning a “good” $k$

To learn a “good” $k$ divide labelled data into training data $T$ and validation data $V$.

This will result in the following two subsets of the labelled data:

A set of pre-classified training data on the left and a larger set of pre-classified validation data on the right.

The left is the training data and the right is the validation data.

The classification error of a classifier $f$ on a set of data items is the number of incorrectly classified data items divided by the total number of data items.

We are saying here that we want a $k$ such that new items added have the least classification error.


  • $f_1$ be the 1-nearest neighbour classifier obtained from the training data $T$.
  • $f_2$ be the 2-nearest neighbour classifier obtained from the training data $T$.
  • and so on for $3,\ldots,m$.

Choose $f_k$ for which the classification error is minimal on the validation data (not the training data).


  • The aim of supervised learning is to do well on test data that is not know during learning.
  • Choosing the values for parameters (here $k$) that minimise the classification error on the training data is not necessarily the best policy.
  • We want the learning algorithm to model true regularities in the data and ignore noise in the data.

Training and Validation Data - $k=1$

A value of k=1 yields 0 error in the perfect training data but higher error in the validation data.

If we chose the value that was best for the training data then we can see here that we would almost always go for $k=1$. However, we want to be good generally so we optimise $k$ for the test data.

Training and Validation Data - $k=7$

A higher value of k gains lower error in the validation data but higher error in the training data.

You can see that although the error of the training data goes up the “general” error (on the validation data) goes down. We want to increase $k$ to minimise this value.

The line also gets smoother as $k$ increases as it is interpolating the data and removing noise.

Properties and Training

As $k$ increases:

  • Classification boundaries become smother (possibly reflecting regularity in the data.
  • Error on the training data can increase.



  • $k$-nearest neighbour is simple but effective.
  • Decision surface can be non-linear.
  • Only a single parameter, $k$, easily learned by cross validation.


  • What does nearest mean?
    • Need to specify a distance measure.
  • Computational cost.
    • Must store and sear through the entire training set at test time.