Nearest Neighbour Classifier - 2
$k$-Nearest Neighbour Classifier
For $x$ to be classifier find $k$ nearest $x_{i_1},\ldots,x_{i_k}$ in the training data.
Classify $x$ according to the majority vote of their class labels.
For $k=3$:
The $k$ represents the number of closest labels you are taking into account.
1: Input: training data (x0, L(x0)), ... , (xn, L(xn))
2: new x ∈ X to be classified
4: for i = 0 to n do
5: Compute distance d(x, xi)
6: endfor
7: Let xi1, ... , xik be the list of items such that
8: d(x, xij) is among the k smallest distances
9: return label L which occurs most frequently in L(xi1), ... , L(xik) (majority vote)
Learning a “good” $k$
To learn a “good” $k$ divide labelled data into training data $T$ and validation data $V$.
This will result in the following two subsets of the labelled data:
The left is the training data and the right is the validation data.
The classification error of a classifier $f$ on a set of data items is the number of incorrectly classified data items divided by the total number of data items.
We are saying here that we want a $k$ such that new items added have the least classification error.
- $f_1$ be the 1-nearest neighbour classifier obtained from the training data $T$.
- $f_2$ be the 2-nearest neighbour classifier obtained from the training data $T$.
- and so on for $3,\ldots,m$.
Choose $f_k$ for which the classification error is minimal on the validation data (not the training data).
- The aim of supervised learning is to do well on test data that is not know during learning.
- Choosing the values for parameters (here $k$) that minimise the classification error on the training data is not necessarily the best policy.
- We want the learning algorithm to model true regularities in the data and ignore noise in the data.
Training and Validation Data - $k=1$
If we chose the value that was best for the training data then we can see here that we would almost always go for $k=1$. However, we want to be good generally so we optimise $k$ for the test data.
Training and Validation Data - $k=7$
You can see that although the error of the training data goes up the “general” error (on the validation data) goes down. We want to increase $k$ to minimise this value.
The line also gets smoother as $k$ increases as it is interpolating the data and removing noise.
Properties and Training
As $k$ increases:
- Classification boundaries become smother (possibly reflecting regularity in the data.
- Error on the training data can increase.
- $k$-nearest neighbour is simple but effective.
- Decision surface can be non-linear.
- Only a single parameter, $k$, easily learned by cross validation.
- What does nearest mean?
- Need to specify a distance measure.
- Computational cost.
- Must store and sear through the entire training set at test time.