A* Search
It was made in 1968 in Stanford by the team that constructed Shaky, the robot.
- The basic idea was to combine uniform cost search and greedy search
- We look at the cost so far and the estimated cost to goal
- Thus we use the heuristic $f:$ \(f(s_0\ldots s_k)=g(s_0\ldots s_k)+ h(s_k)\) where:
- $g(s_0\ldots s_k)$ is the path cost of $s_0\ldots s_k$
- Not heuristic
- $h(s_k)$ is expected cost of cheapest solution from $s_k$
- Is heuristic
- $g(s_0\ldots s_k)$ is the path cost of $s_0\ldots s_k$
- Aims to reduce the overall cost.
General Algorithm for A* Search
Input: a start state s_0
for each state s the successors of s
a test goal(s) checking whether s is a goal state
g(s_0...s_k) for every path s_0...s_k
h(s) for every state s
Set frontier := {s_0}
while frontier is not empty do
select and remove from the frontier the path s_0...s_k
with g(s_0...s_k) + h(s_k) minimal
if goal(s_k) then
return s_0...s_k (and terminate)
else for every successor s of s_k and s_0...s_ks to frontier
end if
end while
An A* search is completed on the following graph:
graph TD
S[S, h = 8] -->|1| A[A, h = 8]
S -->|5| B[B, h = 4]
S -->|8| C[C, h = 3]
A -->|3| D[D, h = Infty]
A -->|7| E[E, h = Infty]
A -->|9| G[G, h = 0]
B -->|4| G[G, h = 0]
C -->|5| G[G, h = 0]
Expanded Paths | Frontier |
S:8 | |
S not goal | SA:9, SB:9, SC:11 |
SA not goal | SB:9, SC:11, SAD:Infty, SAE:Infty, SAG:10 |
SB not goal | SC:11, SAD:Infty, SAE:Infty, SAG:10, SBG:9 |
SGB is goal | SC:11, SAD:Infty, SAE:Infty, SAG:10 |
- Chose the value which has the lowest value
- If the two values are the same it is non-deterministic.
Properties of A* Search
- Complete and optimal under minor conditions
- If an admissible heuristic $h$ is used: \(h(s)\leq h^*(s)\) where $h^*$ is the true cost form $s$ to goal.
- Thus, a heuristic $h$ is admissible if it never overestimates the distance to the goal (is optimistic).
- Heuristic functions estimate costs of shortest paths.
- These can be obtained via computer learning to find better heuristic functions.
- Good heuristics can dramatically reduce search cost.
- Greedy best-first search expands lowest $h$.
- Incomplete and not always optimal.
- A* search expands lowest $g+h$.
- Complete and optimal.
- Optimally efficient.