Derived Assertions Algorithm
The following algorithm take as input the knowledge base $K$ containing $K_a$ and $K_r$ and computes all assertions $E(a)$ with $E$ a class name and $a$ an individual name such that $K\models E(a)$. This set is stored in: \(\text{DerivedAssertions}\) In only remains to check whether $A(b)$ is in $\text{DerivedAssertions}$.
The algorithm computes the set $\text{DerivedAssertions}$ by starting with $K_a$ and then applying the rules $K_r$ exhaustively to already derived atomic assertions.
Input: a knowledge base K containing assertions K_a and rules K_r
DerivedAssertions := K_a
if there exits E(a) not in DerivedAssertions
and A_1(x)^...^A_n(x) --> E(x) in K_r
and A_1(x),...,A_n(x) in DerivedAssertions
add E(a) to DerivedAssertions
NewAssertion := true
NewAssertion := false
until NewAssertion = false
return Derived Assertions
Rule Application
In the algorithm above we say that:
$E(a)$ is added to $\text{DerivedAssertions}$ by applying the rule: \(A_1(x)\wedge\ldots\wedge A_n\rightarrow E(x)\) to the atomic assertions: \(A_1(x),\ldots,A_n\in\text{DerivedAssertions}\)
- $K_a=\{A_1(a)\}$
- $K_a=\{A_1(x)\rightarrow A_2(x),A_2(x)\rightarrow A_3(x)\}$
First $\text{DerivedAssertions}$ contains $K_a$ only.
Then an application of $A_1(x)\rightarrow A_2(x)$ to $A_1(a)$ adds $A_2(a)$ to $\text{DerivedAssertions}$.
Then an application of $A_2(x)\rightarrow A_3(x)$ to $A_2(a)$ adds $A_3(a)$ to $\text{DerivedAssertions}$.
Now no rule is applicable. Thus: \(\text{DerivedAssertions}=\{A_1(a),A_2(a),A_3(a)\}\) is returned.