Lecture 3-2
Defining Custom Functions
Functions are defined as such:
Functions and arguments must start with small letters as only types use capitals.
They can be written into a file and loaded into GHCI or compiled for use in a program. An example of a simple function:
addTwo x = x + 2
twoInAddTwo x y = x + y + 2
Additional functions are available in the slides.
Loading Functions
- To load a functions from a file run GHCI on the file.
ghci functions.hs
- To reload the current file run
in GHCI. - To load in a file run
and the file-path.
Single line comments can be written -- like this
Multi-line comments can be written:
{- Like
Instead of running code in the interpreter you can compile it using GHC. To print the output to the StdOut
you can use the two functions putStrln(show())
to convert the output to a string and print that to the StdOut
This is part of the IO function-set and won’t be used again for a while.
double x = 2 * x
pythagoras a b = sqrt (a ** 2 + b ** 2)
- Must use the float exponentiation operator to allow for floats as a or b.
maxFour a b c d = max (max a b) (max c d)`