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UoL CS Notes

Lecture 22-2

COMP105 Lectures


graph TD
a[ ] --> b[ ]
a --> c[ ]
b --> d[ ]
b --> e[ ]
d --> f[ ]
d --> g[ ]
c --> h[ ]
c --> i[ ]

A tree is composed of:

  • Leaf nodes.
    • Leaves have no children.
  • Branch nodes.
    • Has a child which is a leaf.

A Tree Type in Haskell

Any binary tree can be represented in this data type.

data Tree = Leaf | Branch Tree Tree deriving(Show)
graph TD
a[ ] --> b[ ]
a --> c[ ]
c --> h[ ]
c --> i[ ]
Branch Leaf (Branch Leaf Leaf)

Recursion on Trees

We can write recursive function that process tress.

  • Usually the recursive case will process both branches.

This function counts all the nodes in a tree:

size :: Tree -> Int

size (Leaf) = 1
size (Branch x y) = 1 +size x + size y

For trees usually the base case is the Leaf and the recursive rule operates on the two sub-trees of the branch node.

> size (Branch Leaf (Branch Leaf Leaf))

Trees with Data

Nodes in a tree often hold data.

graph TD
9 --> 4
4 --> 1
4 --> 6
1 --> 10 
1 --> 7
2 --> 3 
2 --> 0
9 --> 2

Type of Trees with Data

This type allows each branch and leaf to have data of a single type associated with it:

data DTree a = DLeaf a
             | DBranch a (DTree a) (DTree a)
             deriving (Show)
graph TD
1 --> 7
7 --> 2 
7 --> 9
1 --> 4
DBranch 1 (DBranch 7 (DLeaf 2) (DLeaf 9)) (DLeaf 4)

Recursion on Trees with Data

This function adds together the numbers from all the branches and leaves in a tree with data.

tree_sum :: Num a => DTree a -> a

tree_sum (DLeaf x)       = x
tree_sum (DBranch x 1 l) = x + tree_sum l + tree_sum r
> tree_sum (DBranch 1 (DBranch 7 (DLeaf 2) (DLeaf 9)) (DLeaf 4))

Example - Fibonacci Numbers

Before we used this code to calculate the Fibonacci numbers. This is slow due to the large amount of branching:

fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
graph TD
A[fib 4] --> B[fib 3]
A --> C[fib 2]
B --> D[fib 2]
B --> E[fib 1]
D --> F[fib 1]
D --> G[fib 0]
C --> H[fib 1]
C --> I[fib 0]
How many recursive calls does the code make?

We can make a function to build the call tree.

fib_tree :: Int -> Tree

fib_tree 0 = Leaf
fib_tree 1 = Leaf
fib_tree n = Branch (fib_tree (n-1)) (fib_tree (n-2))
> fib_tree 4
Branch (Branch (Branch Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Branch Leaf Leaf)

This is the same structure as the tree at the top of the example.

To count the nodes in this tree we can use the function size from earlier:

fib_calls n = size (fib_tree n)
> fib_calls 10
> fib_calls 20
>fib_calls 30

As we can see multiple recursion can be very slow if used incorrectly.

Example - Finding a File

Suppose that we have a directory structure:

graph TD
h["~/"] --> d["docs/"]
d --> a[a.txt]
d --> b[b.txt]
h --> c[c.txt]

Write a function that, given a filename, finds the path to that file.

We can formulate the files as a data tree:

let fs =
    DBranch "~/"
        (DBranch "docs/" (DLeaf "a.txt" ) (DLeaf "b.txt"))
        (DLeaf "c.txt")

This is the same as the DTree above.

Note that the file might not exist:

  • So we will use the maybe type.
> find_file "a.txt" fs
Just "home/docs/a.txt"

> find_file "d.txt" fs
find_file file (Dleaf x)
    | x == file = Just file
    | otherwise = Nothing
find_file file (DBranch x l r) =
        left  = find_file l
        right = find_file r
        case (left, right) of
            (Just y, _) -> Just (x ++ y)
            (_, Just y) -> Just (x ++ y)
            (_, _)      -> Nothing

This implementation has two cases, one for the leaf and one for the branch.


  1.  leafSum :: DTree Int -> Int
     leafSum (DLeaf x)       = x
     leafSum (DBranch _ l r) = leafSum l + leafSum r
  2.  treeElem :: Eq a => a -> DTree a -> Bool
     treeElem x (DLeaf y) = x == y
     treeElem x (DBranch y l r) = (x == y) || treeElem x l || treeElem x r