Lecture 8-2
List Recursion Examples
In this section we will be re-implementing the built in functions for operating on lists.
take' 0 list = []
take' n [] = []
take' n (x:xs) = x : take' (n - 1) xs
With the two base cases the program will end in one of two ways:
- We take as many items as we asked for.
- We run out of elements to take.
drop' 0 list = list
drop' n [] = [] -- could also be an error
drop' n (x:xs) = drop' (n - 1) xs
elem' e [] = False
elem' e (x:xs)
| e == x = True
| otherwise = elem' e xs
This will cycle through every item in the list and will stop and say True
if it is found. If it isn’t found then it will return False
This also implements pattern matching and guards in one function.
Maximum will say which is the largest element in a list.
maximum' [] = error "Called with empty list."
-- This prints an error with this label
maximum' [x] = x
-- This pattern matches against a list of length 1.
maximum' (x:xs) =
max_tail = maximum' xs
if (x > max_tail) then x else max_tail
This checks from the back of the list and keeps the largest element in the list as x
reverse' [] = []
reverse' (x:xs) = reverse' xs ++ [x]
-- ++ puts an element onto the tail of a list
Consuming More Than One Element
add_adjacent [] = []
add_adjacent [x] = error "Odd number of elements"
add_adjacent (x:y:xs) = x + y : add_adjacent xs
> add_adjacent [1,2,3,4,5,6]
> [3,7,11]
add_next [] = error "Not enough elements"
add_next [_] = error "Not enough elements"
add_next [x,y] = [x+y]
add_next (x:y:xs) = x + y : add_next (y:xs)
containsThree [] = False containsThree (x:xs) | x == 3 = True | otherwise = containsThree xs
sumEvenIdx [] = 0 sumEvenIdx [x] = x -- Required to catch 1 and odd element lists. sumEvenIdx (x:_:xs) = x + sumEvenIdx xs