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UoL CS Notes

Lecture 14-3

COMP105 Lectures

Anonymous Functions

Sometimes is it convenient to define a function inline. Anonymous functions allow you to use a function without a name.

> (\ x -> x + 1) 7
> 8

This allows you to pass functions to a higher order function without giving it a name:

> apply_twice (\ x -> 2 * x ) 2
> 8


The syntax for an anonymous function is:

\ [arg1] [arg2]  ... -> [expression]

The \ is supposed to resemble an lambda $\lambda$.

  • Anonymous function are sometimes called $\lambda$-functions in recognition of lambda calculus.

Functions that Return Functions

Higher order functions can also return other functions:

f_than_adds_n :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
f_that_adds_n n = (\x -> x + n)

> let f = (f_that_adds_n 10) in (f 1)
> 11

This function returns another function that you can use in other functions.

Higher order function can take and return functions:

swap f = \ x y -> f y x

This is a two argument function and then swaps the arguments for the function.

g = swap take

This has swapped the arguments for the function take and can be called with g

Currying Revisited

Previously we’ve seen that it is possible to partially apply a function:

add_two = (+2)

This is just a nicer syntax for a function that returns a function:

add_two = (\ x -> x + 2)


  1.  (\ x y -> x + y)
  2.  addChar c = (\ string -> string ++ [c])
  3.  curry' :: ((a, b) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c)
     curry' f = (\ x y -> f (x, y))