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UoL CS Notes


COMP218 Lectures

This is a common technique that can be used to show how hard a problem is or how to reduce a hard problem to a simpler ones.

As we know that $A_\text{TM}$ is not recursive we can use that to prove that a language $L$ is not recursive:

  • If some TM $R$ decides $L$ then using $R$ we can build another TM $S$ so that $S$ decides $A_\text{TM}$

This is impossible, as $A_\text{TM}$ is not recursive. This proves the theory by contradiction.

Reducability Example

Recursively Enumerable Languages

Consider that we have the following language:

\[\text{AEPS}_\text{TM}=\{\langle M\rangle\vert M\text{ is a TM that accepts input }\epsilon\}\]

To know if $M$ accepts $\epsilon$ we will have to simulate it:

  • This means that we may end up in a loop as $M$ is a Turing machine.

This is just a guess but it still needs to be proved.

We can complete the proof by completing the reduction:

graph LR
m["(M')"] --> R 
R -->|if M' accepts epsilon| accept
R -->|if not| reject

We can make a Turing machine $M’$ that:

  • On input $z$ (ignore),
  • Simulate $M$ on input “w”:
    • If $M$ accepts $w$, accept.
    • Otherwise, reject.

We can then make a Turing machine $S$ that has the following actions:

  • On input $\langle M,w\rangle$:
    • Construct the following TM $M’$:
      • On input $z$ (ignore),
      • Simulate $M$ on input “w”:
        • If $M$ accepts $w$, accept.
        • Otherwise, reject.
    • Run $R$ on input $\langle M’\rangle$ and output its answer.
flowchart LR
m["(M,w)"] --> c
subgraph S
c[construct M'] -->|"(M')"| R
R -->|if M accepts w| accept
R -->|if not| reject

If this machine $S$ exists then $S$ accepts $\langle M,w\rangle$ if and only if $M$ accepts $w$. This means that $S$ decides $A_\text{TM}$, which is impossible.

Therefore this language is undecidable but still recursively enumerable.

Undecidable Languages

Consider that we have the following Turing machine:

\[E_\text{TM}=\{\langle M\rangle\vert M\text{ is a TM that accepts no input}\}\]

We need to show:

  • If $E_\text{TM}$ can be decided by some TM $R$
  • then $\text{SOME}_\text{TM}$ can be decided by another TM $S$.


\[\text{SOME}_\text{TM} = \{\langle M\rangle\vert M\text{ is a TM that accepts some input}\}\]

Therefore consider $S$:

  • On input $\langle M\rangle$ where $M$ is a TM:
    • Run $R$ on input $\langle M\rangle$:
      • If $R$ accepts, reject.
      • If $R$ rejects, accept.

Then $S$ decides $\text{SOME}_\text{TM}$ is a contradiction, proving that this language is undecidable.

We know if $L$ and $L’$ are both recursively enumerable then they are both recursive:

  • As they are both opposite and aren’t recursive then they must both be unrecognisable.