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UoL CS Notes

Context-Free Grammars

COMP218 Lectures

For examples of many context free grammars see this lecture


A context-free grammar is given by ($V,\Sigma,R,S$) where:

  • $V$ - Finite set of variables or non-terminals.
  • $\Sigma$ - Finite set of terminals.
  • $R$ - A set of productions or substitution rules of the form:


    where $A$ is a variable and $\alpha$ is a string of variables and terminals.

  • $S$ - A variable called the start variable.

Notation & Conventions

For the following set of productions:

  • $E\rightarrow E+E$
  • $E\rightarrow (E)$
  • $E\rightarrow N$

  • $N\rightarrow 0N$
  • $N\rightarrow 1N$
  • $N\rightarrow 0$
  • $N\rightarrow 1$

The variables are the capital letters. Terminals are any symbol that is not a capital letter. The start variable is taken from the first production.

You can write the above in the following short-hand:

  • $E\rightarrow E+E\vert(E)\vert N$
  • $N\rightarrow 0N\vert1N\vert0\vert1$


Derivation is a sequential application of productions. We don’t care what order we use the productions as long as the string is valid.

We apply the rules until all symbols are terminal.

When applying a single production use the notation:


When the full derivation is reached use:


Two derivations are different if they use two different rules at any point.

Context-Free Languages

The languages generated by CFG $G$ is the set of all strings at the end of a derivation:

\[L(G)=\{w:w\in\Sigma^*\text{ and }S\overset*\Rightarrow w\}\]

Parse Trees

Instead of writing out the productions by hand you can show the derivation as a parse tree:

\[S\rightarrow SS\vert (S)\vert\epsilon\]

To write a derivation by hand we might write the following:

\[\begin{aligned} S&\Rightarrow(S)\\ &\Rightarrow(SS)\\ &\Rightarrow((S)S)\\ &\Rightarrow((S)(S))\\ &\Rightarrow(()(S))\\ &\overset*\Rightarrow(()()) \end{aligned}\]

We can the represent this as a parse tree:

1[S] --> 2["("] & 3[S] & 4[")"]
3 --> 5[S] & 6[S]
5 --> 7["("] & 8[S] & 9[")"]
6 --> 10["("] & 11[S] & 12[")"]
8 --> 13[epsilon]
11 --> 14[epsilon]

To read the tree go from left to right and read just the leaves.

One parse tree can represent many different derivations. So matter the order of the same rules applied, you will get the same parse tree.