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UoL CS Notes

Pumping Lemma Game

COMP218 Lectures

Proving Non-Regularity

For all $n$ there exists $z$ longer than $n$, such that for all ways of writing $z=uvw$ where:

  1. $\vert uv\vert\leq n$
  2. $\vert v\vert\geq 1$
  3. For all $i\geq0$, the string $uv^iw$ is not in $L$.

This is a Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé game between two players:

  • Adam (for all)
  • Eve (exists)
Round Adam Eve
1 Chooses $n$ Chooses $z\in L(\vert z\vert >n)$
2 Writes $z=uvw$ $(\vert uv\vert \leq n,\vert v\vert\geq1)$ Chooses $i$

Eve wins if $uv^iw\notin L$ otherwise Adam wins.

Eve needs to give a strategy that, regardless of what Adam does, she always wins the game.


We will use our non-regular language as an example:

\[L_0=\{0^n1^n\vert n\geq0\}\]
Round Adam Eve
1 Chooses $n$ Chooses $z=0^n1^n\in L_0$
2 Writes $z=uvw$ as below: Chooses $i=2$

Adam is able to choose this string in the language:


The $i=2$ constraint from eve produces this string which is not in the language, which means eve wins:

  • $uv^2w=0^{n+k}1^n\notin L_0$
    • Where $k=\vert v\vert$.

Eve winning means that this is not a regular language.

There are several more examples in this video.