Set Theory, Kleene Star & DNF
The questions for this tutorial are available here.
The powerset is the set of all subsets. The number of elements in the powerset is: $2^n$.
- $\{\emptyset\}, \{a\}, \{b\},\{a,b\}$
- $\{\emptyset\}, \{0\},$ $\{1\},\{2\},$ $\{0,1\},\{0,2\},$ $\{1,2\},\{0,1,2\}$
- $\{\emptyset\}, \{z\}$
- $\{\emptyset\}, \{1\},\{3\},\{1,3\}$
- $\{\emptyset\}, \{0\},\{2\},\{0,2\}$
- $\{\emptyset\}$
Kleene Star Operation
This is all the different strings that can be produced with the characters in the alphabet. This includes the empty-string.
- This is all binary strings including the empty-string:
- $\{0,1\}^*$
- This is any number of the letter
including the empty-string:- $a^n\vert n\geq 0$
- This is only the empty-string:
- $\{\epsilon\}$
The $+$ Operation
If we have the option to choose an element we must choose at least one. This is the same as the Kleene star operation but without the empty-string.
For $\{0,1\}^+$ this would be formally written as:
\[\\{0,1\\}\\{0,1\\}^*\]One element followed by any number of elements.
- $\{0,1\}$
- $\{a\}$
- $\{\epsilon\}$
Complement Langugages
Assume that we have $\{0,1\}^*$ and remove everything under the line:
- $\{0,1\}^*-\{010,101,11\}$
- $\{110\}$
- $\{\epsilon\}$
Following DFAs
direction LR
[*] --> A
A --> B:0
B --> D:1
D --> B:1
A --> C:1
C --> D:0
D --> A:0
- Accept010011
- Reject100
- Reject-
- RejectIf we are given a transition that doesn’t exist, this leads to a “dead” state. If it is not drawn acknowledge it’s existence.
Creating DFAs
$L1$ is a set of all words containing exactly three occurrences of $a$.
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR [*] --> A A --> B:a A --> A:b B --> C:a B --> B:b C --> D:a C --> C:b D --> D:b D:D
$L2$ is a set of all words containing at least three occurrences of $a$.
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR [*] --> A A --> B:a A --> A:b B --> C:a B --> B:b C --> D:a C --> C:b D --> D:a, b D:D
$L3$ is a set of words containing the sub-string $aaa$.
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR [*] --> A A --> B:a A --> A:b B --> A:b C --> A:b B --> C:a C --> D:a D --> D:a,b D:D