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UoL CS Notes

Round Robin

COMP124 Lectures

Preemptive algorithm that gives a set CPU time to all active processes.

  • Similar to FCFS, but allows for preemption by switching between processes.
  • Ready queue is treated as circular. The CPU allocates each process a time-slice.

Time Quantum - A small unit of time, varying anywhere between 10 and 100 milliseconds.

Ready Queue - Treated as a FIFO queue.

CPU scheduler selects the process at the font of the queue, sets the timer to the time quantum and grants the CPU to this process.

Edge Cases

  1. If the process’s CPU burst time is less than the specified time quantum, it will release the CPU upon completion.
    • The scheduler will then proceed to the next process at the front of the ready queue.
  2. If the process’s CPU burst time is more than the specified time quantum, the timer will expire and execute an interrupt and execute a context switch.
    • The interrupted process is added to the end of the ready queue.
    • The scheduler will then proceed to the next process at the front to the ready queue.


Suppose we have three processes all arriving at time 0 and having CPU burst times as follows:

  • $P_1$ with CPU burst of 20 milliseconds.
  • $P_2$ with CPU burst of 3 milliseconds.
  • $P_3$ with CPU burst of 3 milliseconds.

Supposing a time quantum of 4 milliseconds, we can view the results as the following Gantt chart:


dateformat S
axisformat %S

P1: a, 0, 4s
P2: b, after a, 3s
P3: c, after b, 3s
P1: d, after c, 4s
P1: e, after d, 4s
P1: f, after e, 4s
P1: g, after f, 4s

Generally, you wouldn’t have one process taking many quantum due to the large number of processes.

Thus, the average wait time is:


The $10-4$ represents the 10ms wait time for $P_1$ take the time from it’s first run.


  • Easy to implement as it is not based on characteristics of processes.
    • Commonly used in interactive/time-sharing systems due to its preemptive abilities.
  • Allocates CPU fairly.


Performance depends heavily on selection of a good time quantum:

  • If time quantum is too large, RR reduces to the FCFS algorithm.
  • If time quantum is too small, overhead increases due to the amount of context switching.

Real operating systems use a combinations of several scheduling algorithms. Windows uses priority round robin.