Process Scheduling
In any mutliprogramming situation, processes muyst be scheduled.
The scheduler selects the next job from the ready queue:
- Determines which process gets the CPU, when and for how long. Also when processing should be interrupted.
- Various algorithms can be used
Scheduling algorithms may be preemptive or non-preemptive
Non-Preemptive Scheduling
Once CPU has been allocated to a process the process keeps it until it is released upon termination of the process or by switching to the waiting state.
Preemptive Scheduling
Preemptive algorithms are able to stop what is currently running on the CPU to swap another process on.
Scheduling Policies
Several criteria could be considered:
- Maximise Throughput
- Complete as many processes as possible in a given amount of time.
- Minimise Response Time
- Minimise amount of time it takes from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced.
- Minimise Turnaround Time
- Move entire processes in and out of the system quickly.
- Minimise Waiting Time
- Minimise amount of time a process spends waiting in the ready queue.
- Maximise CPU Efficiency
- Keeps the CPU constantly busy by running CPU bound processes and not IO bound ones.
- Ensure Fairness
- Give every process an equal amount of CPU and IO time by not favouring only one regardless of its characteristics.
Often applying multiple of these will create conflictions.
Scheduling Algorithms
The scheduler relies an algorithms that are based on a specific policy to allocate the CPU.
First Come, First Served (FCFS)
- Uses a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue.
- Non-preemptive algorithm that deals with jobs according to their arrival time.
- If the process is blocking then the process is returned to the back of the queue.
The process control block (PCB) of any new processes is linked to its place in the queue.
Suppose we have three processes arriving in the following order:
- $P_1$ with CPU burst of 13 milliseconds.
- $P_2$ with CPU burst of 5 milliseconds.
- $P_3$ with CPU burst of 1 millisecond.
The burst time is the amount of time before the process blocks or terminates. You can have multiple bursts.
Using the FCFS algorithm we can view the result as a Gantt chart:
dateformat S
axisformat %S
P1: a, 0, 13s
P2: b, after a, 5s
P3: c, after b, 1s
From this we can calculate the average wait time as: