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UoL CS Notes

Single Layer Perceptrons

ELEC320 Lectures

Least Mean Square (LMS)

This is a sample by sample approach. The linear least square method would be a batch approach.

\[\mathbf w(n+1)=\mathbf w(n)+\eta e(n)\mathbf x(n)\]


  • $\mathbf w$ - weight vector
  • $\eta$ - learning rate
  • $e$ - the error $(d-y)$
  • $d$ - expected result
  • $y$ - neron output
  • $\mathbf x$ - input vector

This uses value from a simple single layer network:

graph LR
x1 --> w1
x2 --> w2
xp --> wp
w1 --> adder
w2 --> adder
wp --> adder
adder --> y


Rosenblatt’s Perceptrons are based on the McCulloch-Pitts neuronal modal. They are similar to linear neurons, but they have non-linear activations based on thresholding activations:

\[v_j=\sum^p_{i=1}w_ix_i+\theta=\mathbf w^T\mathbf x\]



This uses the following network:

graph LR
x1 --> w1
x2 --> w2
xp --> wp
w1 --> t[threshold θ]
w2 --> t
wp --> t
t -->|1| vj
vj -->|"ϕ(vj)"| yj