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COMP202 Lectures

For the definition of a graph see the lectures:

An undirected graph $G$ is simple if there is at most one edge between each pair of vertices $u$ and $v$.

A digraph is simple if there is at most one directed edge from $u$ to $v$ for every pair of distinct vertices $u$ and $v$.

Therefore, for a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges:

  • If $G$ is undirected, then:

    \[m\leq \frac{n(n-1)}2\]
  • If $G$ is directed, then:

    \[m\leq n(n-1)\]

Describing Walks & Paths

A walk is a sequence of alternating vertices and edges, starting at a vertex and ending at a vertex.

A path is a walk where each vertex in the walk is distinct.

We can describe this walk with the following syntax:

graph LR
A -->|e2| B -->|e13| D -->|e10| C
\[A, e_2, B, e_{13}, D, e_{10}, C\]

If this is part of a simple graph then this walk could be written as:

\[A, B, D, C\]


  • A subgraph of a graph G is a graph $H$ whose vertices and edges are subsets of the vertices and edges of $G$.
  • A spanning subgraph of $G$ is a subgraph of $G$ that contains all the vertices of $G$.
  • A graph is connected if, for any two distinct vertices, there is a path between them.
  • If a graph $G$ is not connected, its maximal connected subgraphs are called the connected components of $G$.
  • A forest is a graph with no cycles.
  • A tree is a connected forest (a connected graph with no cycles).
  • A spanning tree of a graph is a spanning subgraph that is a free tree (no root node).

Counting Edges

Let $G$ be an undirected graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges. We have the following observations:

  • If $G$ is connected then $m\geq n-1$.
  • If $G$ is a tree then $m=n-1$
  • If $G$ is a forest then $m\leq n-1$

Representations of Graphs

We have covered many representations of graphs in previous lectures:

Graph Search Methods

We have covered various graph search methods before:

Single-Source Shortest Paths

We have covered this before in:

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

We have covered this before in:

We can use the following method to complete Dijkstra’s without path enumeration. For the following graph:

graph LR
d ---|2| e
d ---|4| c
e ---|4| f & b
c ---|1| e & b
c ---|4| f & a
b ---|1| f
f ---|1| a

we would represent the solution of completing Dijkstra’s from $d$ in the following table:

a b c d e f Chosen
$\infty$ $\infty$ $\infty$ 0 $\infty$ $\infty$ $\emptyset$
$\infty$ $\infty$ 4 0 2 $\infty$ ${d}$
$\infty$ 6 3 0 2 6 ${d,e}$
7 4 3 0 2 6 ${c, d,e}$
7 4 3 0 2 5 ${b, c, d,e}$
6 4 3 0 2 5 ${b, c, d,e,f}$
6 4 3 0 2 5 ${a,b, c, d,e,f}$

Dijkstra’s Algorithm Pseudo-Code


D[v] = 0
for each u != v do
	D[u] = +INFTY
Let Q be a priority queue (heap) having all vertices of G using the D labels as keys.
while notEmpty(Q) do
	u = removeMin(Q)
	for each z s.t. (u, z) in E do
		if D[u] + w({u, z}) < D[z]
			then D[z] = D[u] + w({u, z})
				key(z) = D[z] /* z might bubble up in the heap */
return D

Time Complexity of Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Let $G=(V, E)$ where $\vert V\vert=n$ and $\vert E\vert = m$.

Construction of the initial heap for the set of $n$ vertices takes $O(n\log n)$ time.

In each step of the while loop, getting the minimum entry from the heap requires $O(\log n)$ time (to update the heap), and then $O(\deg(u)\log n)$ time to perform the edge relaxation steps (and update the heap as necessary).

So the overall running time of the while loop is:

\[\sum_{u\in V(G)} (1+\deg(u))\log n = O((n+m)\log n)\]

Therefore Dijkstra’s algorithms solves SSSP in $O(m\log n)$ time as $n\leq m$ for connected graphs.