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UoL CS Notes

Binary Search Trees

COMP202 Lectures

Linked Lists & Arrays

This lecture started by covering arrays and linked lists. There are several lectures on linked lists below:

Dictonaries & Sorted Tables

We can store data in a key-value dictionary store like so: Collections (Generics, Stacks, Hash Maps)

If a dictionary is ordered, we can create a vector to store the values sorted by their key.

This method has been covered before in the following lectures:

We can calculate the time complexity of the recursive algorithms using the following cases:

\[T(n)= \begin{cases} b & \text{if } n < 2\\ T(\frac n 2) +b & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]

To find the total running time then we need to find how many halves it takes to get to one item remaining. This give the order of:

\[O(\log n)\]

We can compare the time complexity of a linked list and sorted array:

Method Linked List Lookup Table
findElement $O(n)$ $O(\log n)$
insertItem - Having located the item. $O(1)$  
removeElement $O(n)$ $O(n)$
closestKeyBefore $O(n)$ $O(\log n)$

We can use a binary search tree to take advantage of the search capabilities of an array while maintaining the insertion speed on a linked list.


Rooted Trees

These are a standard tree data-structure which has a root node with no parent.

Binary Tree

This is a rooted tree with at most two children on each node. They can be represented by the following data-structure:

graph TD
subgraph node
lp[Parent Link] --- value
value --- ln[Left Link]
value --- rn[Right Link]

Depth of Node in a Tree

The depth of a node, $v$, is the number of ancestors of $v$, excluding $v$ itself. This can be computed using the following function:


if T.isRoot(v) then
	return 0
	return 1 + Depth(T, T.parent(v))

Height of a Tree

the height of a tree is equal to the maximum depth of an external node in it. This function computes the height of the subtree rooted at $v$.


if isExternal(v) then
	return 0
	h = 0
	for each w in T.children(v) do
		h = max(h, height(T, W))
	return 1 + h

Traversal of Trees

Traversal of trees has been covered in this lecture:

Binary Search Trees

We can apply this traversal to binary search trees. We have seen this before in the following lecture:

Searching in a BST

Here is a recursive searching method:

  • Input - A key $k$ and a node $v$ of a binary search tree.
  • Output - A node $w$ in the subtree $T(v)$, either $w$ is an internal node with key $k$ or $w$ is an external node where the key $k$ would belong if it existed.


if isExternal(v) then
	return v
if k = key (v)
	then return v
elseif k < key(v) then
	return treeSearch(k, T.leftChild(v))
	return treeSearch(k, T.rightChild(v))