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UoL CS Notes

Logical Design - 1

COMP107 Lectures

Map ER $\rightarrow$ Relations

The aim of this phase is to construct a logical schema, that correctly an efficiently represent all of the information described by the conceptual schema.

This is not always just a simple translation:

  • In some cases there is no close correspondence between conceptual and logical schema.

  • This is because the aim of conceptual design is to represent data accurately and naturally from a hight level, computer-independent performances of the final, computer based product.


These decisions are especially relevant for the relational model.

  1. Analysis of Redundancies
    • Decide whether to delete or retain possible redundancies.
  2. Dealing with Unsupported Concepts.
    • Deciding how to map with generalisation with other construct when using a relational model.
  3. Partitioning and Merging
    • Partition of entities employee to distinguish between Personal data and Professional data on the basis of frequency of access.
  4. Selection of Primary Identifiers
    • Adding new attributes to entities which do not have a natural primary key.
  5. Decide how to deal with derived notions
    • Derived attributes can be represented as virtual fields.
    • As part of a user interface (at visualisation).
    • Implemented as a query.
    • Just ignored.
    • Sometimes relations can be derived (cyclic relations) such as:

        graph LR
        TRAINEE --> A{ATTENDS}
        A --> COURSE
        COURSE --> T{TEACHES}
        T --> INSTRUCTOR
        AS --> TRAINEE

      In this example you need to decide whether ASSIGNED TO can be derived from the relationships, or is a relationship of its own.

Step by Step Process

After restructuring, it’s just a straightforward process, which considers each concept in turn and with a specific order:

  1. Regular entities.
  2. Weak entities.
  3. Binary one-to-one relationships.
  4. Binary one-to-many relationships.
  5. Binary many-to-many relationships.
  6. Multi-valued attributes.
    • Binary one-to-many relation.
  7. N-ary relationships.
  8. Generalisations/ specifications

Step 1 - Regular Entity Types

For each regular (non weak) entity types $E$ in the ER schema, create a relation (table) that includes:

  • All the simple, primitive attributes of $E$.
  • All the simple components of $E$.
  • Also, choose one of the candidate key attributes as primary key.

This ignores derived and multi-valued attributes.

For an example of an INSTRUCTOR you could make the following table:

Instructor Table

This would ignore the attributes:

  • Age
    • This is a derived attribute as you can calculate is from their year of birth.
  • PhoneNumber
    • This is a multi-valued attribute as they may have more than one.

Step 2 - Weak Entity Types

For each weak entity type $W$, create a relation (table that includes:

  • All the simple, primitive attributes and all the simple components of composite attributes of $W$.
  • The primary key attribute(s) of the table $T$ that corresponds to $W$’s owner entity type.
  • Choose as primary key the combination of all attributes taken from $T$ and the partial key $W$ (if any).

Weak entity relation table.

As you can see the primary key of trainee is used as a foreign in the the PROFESSIONAL table.

Step 3 - Binary one-to-one

For each binary relationship type $R$ in the ER schema:

  • Identify $T$ and $S$, relations corresponding to the entity types participating in $R$.
  • Consider the relation $T$ whose entity types has a total participation to $R$, if any, or choose any of the two if both have partial participation to $R$.
  • Include the attribute(s) forming the primary key of $S$ as foreign key in $T$.
  • Include all the simple primitive attributes and the simple components of attributes $R$ in $T$.

Binary one-to-one conversion.

As a result of the enforced link (with the double line) we can include the attributes of the DIRECTOR relation in the table for COURSE TYPE.

Step 4 - Binary one-to-many

For each regular (non weak) binary 1:N relationship type $R$:

  • Identify relation $S$ that corresponds to the entity type as the many side.
  • Identify relation $T$ that corresponds to the entity type at the one side.
  • Include as a foreign key in $S$ the primary key of $T$.
  • Include all the simple, primitive attributes and the simple components of attributes of $R$ in $S$.

Binary one-to-many conversion.

To create the link from the employee to the employer the EMPLOYEE table must have the EmployerCode attribute.

Step 5 - Binary many-to-many

For each binary N:M relationship type $R$ in the ER schema:

  • Identify the relations $S$ and $T$ that correspond to the entity types participating to $R$.
  • Create a new relation and include as foreign keys all the attributes forming the primary key of $S$ and all the attributes forming the primary key of $T$.
  • Include in the new relation all the simple, primitive attributes and the simple components of attributes of $R$.

Binary many-to-many conversion.

You can see the introduction of the bridge table here in order to link the two tables. This breaks the many-to-many relation into two one-two-many relations. The primary key of the link table is a composite of the existing keys.

Step 6 - Multi-valued Attributes

For each multi-valued attribute $A$ of an entity type $E$ in the ER schema:

  • Identify the relation $T$ that corresponds to $E$.
  • Create a new relation $S$ that includes an attribute corresponding to $A$ and all the attributes forming the primary key of $T$.
  • If the multi-valued attribute is composite, include the simple components.

Multi-valued attributes.

Step 7 - N-ary Relationships

For each n-ary ($n>2$) relationships type $R$ in the ER schema:

  • Identify relations: $T_1,T_2,\ldots,T_n$ that correspond to the entity types participating to $R$.
  • Create a new relation including as foreign key the attributes forming the primary key of each of the tables: $T_1,T_2,\ldots,T_n$.
  • Include all the simple, primitive attributes and the simple components of attributes $R$.

Bridge table.

Here we are creating a bridge table but including all the primary keys of all the participating entities.

These steps mean that the following diagram:

Original Diagram

will be turned into the following linked tables:

Final Linked Tables


An alternative mapping of a one-to-one relationship type is possible by merging the two entity types and the relationship into a single relation:

  • Particularly appropriate when both participation are total.
  • The two entity types should not participate to other relationship types in isolation.

A one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship type can always be mapped similarly to the method for many-to-many relationship types:

  • Particularly useful when few relationship instances exist in order to avoid null values in the foreign key.

Relational v.s. ER

Relational model does not allow relationship types to be represented explicitly:

  • Relationships are represented using primary keys and foreign keys as attributes in relations.

A operations called natural join allows combinations of all record pairs in order to materialise the relationship:

  • Binary 1:1 or 1:N relationships require one join.
  • Binary N:M relationships require tow joins.
  • N-ary relationships require $n$ joins.

Relational model does not allow multi-valued attributes.

  • Have to create separate relations for each multi-valued attribute.
  • Key attribute of the relevant entity is repeated for each value.
  • Need a join to relate the multi-valued attribute to the entity:
    • Object-oriented, network and hierarchical models do support multi-valued attributes.
    • Seen as a flaw in normalised relational models.


ER Relational DB
Entity type Relation (Table)
1:1 binary relationship type. Foreign key & possible bridge relation.
1:N binary relationship type. Foreign key & possible bridge relation.
N:M binary relationship type. Bridge relation & two foreign keys.
N-ary relationship type. Bridge relation & $n$ foreign keys.
Simple attribute Attribute (column).
Composite attribute Set of attributes (columns).
Mutli-valued attribute New relation & foreign key.
Key attribute Primary key for the designated one.