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UoL CS Notes

Arrays - 2D Arrays

COMP108 Lectures

Suppose we have data of daily rainfall for a year. Find the maximum monthly average rainfall over a year.

  • Lets assume that there are $d$ days in a month and $m$ months in a year.

We could store rainfall data in a 2D array of size $m\times d$:

  1 2 $d$

rainfall[i][j] stores rainfall of month $i$ and day $j$.

You can split the problem into the following questions:

  1. What is the average rainfall of month $i$?
  2. What is the maximum average?

Average of Month $i$

j = 1
sum = 0
while j <= d do
	sum += rainfall[i][j]	# ask for i
average = sum / d

This is the nested portion of the loop. $i$ should be incremented outside.

Maximum of the Averages

m = 0
i = i
while i <= m do
	sum = 0
	for j = 1 to d do
		sum += rainfall[i][j]
	average = sum / d
	if average > m then 
		m = average
output m

Time Complexity

The nested portion has a time complexity of $O(d)$. This is repeated $m$ times giving an overall time complexity of:

\[O(m\times d)\]