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UoL CS Notes

Ant Filesets and Path

COMP285 Lectures

Creating Filesets

Filesets are a group of files represented like so:

<fileset dir="src"
  • dir - Mandatory attribute to denote a root directory for the fileset.
  • includes - Which files from this directory to include.
  • id - A reference which can be used to call the fileset.

We can also use the following syntax:

<fileset dir="lib">
	<include name="*.jar"/>

exclude can also be used to remove files. By default all the files in the dir are included.

Some patterns are excluded by default you can view them at and disable this functionality by using:

<fileset dir"..." defaultexcludes="no"/>

Using Filesets

We can use filesets like so:

<copy todir="backup">
	<fileset refid="source.fileset"/>

javac Task

We can refer to the javac task manual to see how we can use compiler flags:

We can combine this with our knowledge of Ant properties to make the following build task:

<path id="compile.classpath">
	<pathelement location="${lucine.jar}"/>
	<pathelement location="${jtidy.jar}"/>
<javac destdir="${build.classes.dir}"
	<include name="**.*.java"/>
	<classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>

This can make large build files with lots of repetition easy to change.


We can use path in place of location using the following syntax:

<classpath path="bulid/classes:lib/some.jar"/>
	<pathelement path="bulid/classes:lib/some.jar"/>

Both ; and : are allowed as a separator.