C++ Inheritance & Overloading
- c++ has access modifiers on inheritance.
- There are no interfaces like in Java.
Basic inheritance has the following syntax:
class Dog : public Animal();
which represents the following:
Animal <|-- Dog
The access modifiers change the access modifiers of inherited methods etc. public
makes no change.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
void makeNoise() { cout << "Grunt"; }
class Dog : public Animal {
void makeNoise() { cout << "Woof"; }
int main()
Dog rover;
Animal* pet = &rover;
This will make the Grunt
noise of Animal
Virtual Polymorphism
We can override methods properly like so:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
virtual void makeNoise() { cout << "Grunt"; }
class Dog : public Animal {
void makeNoise() { cout << "Woof"; }
The keyword here is virtual
Memory for the parent class is always initialised before the memory before the child.
To pass data from the child to the parent constructor, we would do the following:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
int weight;
string name;
Animal(int w, string n) : weight(w), name(n) {}
virtual void output() {
cout << name << " weighs " << weight << endl; }
class Dog : public Animal {
Dog(int w, string n) : Animal(w,n) {}
int main() {
Dog rover(5, “Rover");
We can turn a child object into it’s parent by doing the following:
class Cat : public Animal {
int lives;
Cat(int w, string n, int v) : Animal(w, n) {
lives = v;
void output() {
cout << name << " weighs " << weight << " and has ";
cout << lives << " lives" << endl;
int main() {
Cat fluffy(5, "Fluffy", 9);
Animal pet = fluffy;
This will remove any attributes of the child.
Accessing a Child Through the Parent
We can have a parent pointer that points to a child object like so:
int main() {
Cat grumpy(5, "Grumpy Cat", 9);
Animal* pet = &grumpy;
cout << ((Cat*)pet)->getLives(); // This will work fine
Passing Object Examples
We have the following methods ob passing objects to functions:
Directly by copying the object:
void eat(Animal toBeEaten) { weight += toBeEaten.weight; toBeEaten.weight = 0; }
Passing a pointer (must use
):void eat(Animal* toBeEaten) { weight += toBeEaten->weight; toBeEaten->weight = 0; }
Pass by reference:
void eat(Animal& toBeEaten) { weight += toBeEaten.weight; toBeEaten.weight = 0; }
Permanent Objects
To keep objects once we leave their scope we can allocate memory on the heap with the following syntax:
Dog* myDog = new Dog(10, "Rover");
Cat* myCat = new Cat(5, "Grumpy", 9);
- This creates a new pointer where we will have to use
to access methods and so on.
To free the memory after we have finished with an object we can delete
delete(myDog); // this calls the destructor for Dog
Two functions can have the same name if they have different parameters.
This is most often used with constructors.
#include <iostream>
#include "Animal.h"
#include "Dog.h"
using namespace std;
void name(Animal *a) {
cout << "Animal";
void name(Dog *d) {
cout << "Dog";
int main()
Dog rover;
Animal *pet = &rover;
Constructor Overloading
We can write the following header file:
class Ruler {
public://public right now to make it easier to demonstrate
int feet;
int inches;
Ruler(int i);
Ruler(int f, int i);
and implement our constructors like so:
#include "Ruler.h"
Ruler::Ruler(int f, int i) {
feet = f + i / 12
inches = i % 12;
Ruler::Ruler(int i) : Ruler(0,i) {}
Operator Overloading
To add our new measurement with the +
operator we can overload the +
operator. We declare this as a member function of a class:
Ruler operator+(const Ruler& ru);
and implement this like so:
Ruler Ruler::operator+(const Ruler& ru) {
Ruler temp(this->feet + ru.feet, this->inches + ru.inches);
return temp;
We can then add Ruler
objects using +
We can also do a similar thing for equality operators.