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UoL CS Notes

Loops in C

COMP281 Lectures


This checks the statement before running the statements:

while (<expression>) {

Be aware of the limits of the data-types you are using if you are including counters in your while loops. limits.h has information regarding maximum values.

do while

This checks the statement after running the statements:

do {
} while (<expression>)


The action is performed after every iteration:

for (<initialisation>; <continuation>; <action>) {

You can remove values, such as pre-initialised variables, like so:

int num = 10;
for (; num < 20;) {

You can also create multiple counters like so:

for (int i, int j; i < 10 || j < 20; i++, j++) {

Other Flow Control Commands


The continue statement jumps to the next iteration of a loop when encountered.


This statement “breaks” out of a loop.

This is often used in switch case constructs.


This jumps directly to a label in the code:

goto label;

This is rarely used as is makes the code hard to read.