System Models (Mealy, Moore, Petri Nets & UML Diagrams)
Finite State Machines
Refer to notes on Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs) for information about finite state machines.
There are several variant of finite state machines:
- Mealy Machines - Have actions (outputs) associated with transitions.
- Moore Machines - Have actions (outputs) associated with states.
- Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFAs) & Epsilon-NFAs - Allow for multiple transitions with the same input and transitions with no cost.
Moore Machines
A more machine has the following additional attributes:
- It has two alphabets, an input and an output alphabet.
- It has an output letter associated with each state.
- The machine writes that appropriate output letter as it enters each state.
direction LR
[*] --> q0/1
q0/1 --> q1/0:a
q1/0 --> q1/0:b
q1/0 --> q3/1:a
q3/1 --> q2/0:b
q2/0 --> q3/1:b
q2/0 --> q0/1:a
q3/1 --> q3/1:a
q0/1 --> q3/1:b
Input: abab
Output: 10010
The states are named with there identifier: q0
and then their output: 0
with a slash inbetween.
To find this result we:
- Start at $q_0$, outputting 1.
- Transition via $a$ to $q_1$, outputting 0.
- Transition via $b$ to $q_1$, outputting 0.
- Transition via $a$ to $q_3$, outputting 1.
- Transition via $b$ to $q_2$, outputting 0.
Mealy Machines
These are computationally equivalent to Moore machines, however:
- Mealy machines output on the transition instead of the state.
direction LR
[*] --> 0
0 --> 1:a/0
1 --> 3:a/1
0 --> 3:b/0
1 --> 2:b/1
2 --> 3:a/0
3 --> 0:b/1
2 --> 3:b/1
3 --> 3:a/1
Input: aaabb
Output: 01110
The transitions are identified $i/j$ where $i$ is the input and $j$ is the output.
- Mealy machines are complete as there is a transition for each character in the input alphabet leaving every state.
- There are no accept states in a Mealy machine as is it not a language recogniser.
- It only outputs and its output will be the same length as its input.
Petri Net Models
Petri nets are a collection of directed arcs connecting places and transitions:
- Places may hold tokens.
- The state/marking of a net is its assignment of tokens to places.
Petri nets are non-deterministic so they can be used to model discrete distributed systems.
direction LR
state f1 <<fork>>
P1(•) --> f1
f1 --> P2
note right of f1: Transition
The tokens are represented by the number of •
after the place name.
- Arcs have capacity 1 by default but this can be marked on the arc.
- Places have infinite capacity by default.
- Transitions have no capacity and can’t store tokens.
Enabled Transitions & Firing
A transition is enabled when the number of tokens in each of its input places is at least equal to the arc weight going from the place to the transition:
- An enabled transition may fire at any time.
state T1 <<fork>>
P1(•) --> T1
P2(•) --> T1
T1 --> P3
T1 --> P4
T1 --> P5
note left of T1: Enabled, ready to fire.
state T1 <<fork>>
P1 --> T1
P2 --> T1
T1 --> P3(•)
T1 --> P4(•)
T1 --> P5(•)
note left of T1: Firing complete.
Arcs of Different Weights
When fired the tokens in the input places are consumed and are then generated in the output places in accordance with the arc weights:
- This results in a new marking of the net, a state description of all places.
state T1 <<fork>>
P1(••) --> T1:2
P2(•) --> T1
T1 --> P3
T1 --> P4:2
T1 --> P5:3
state T1 <<fork>>
P1 --> T1:2
P2 --> T1
T1 --> P3(•)
T1 --> P4(••):2
T1 --> P5(•••):3
A circle arrow head on an arc means that there is an inhibition. I am representing this like so:
direction LR
state T1 <<fork>>
P1(•) --> T1:O
T1 --> P2
The following applies when there is no weighting on the arc joining the place to a transition:
An inhibitor arc imposes the precondition that the transition may only fire when the place is empty. - Wikipedia
The following is a generalisation that applies to all weightings:
An inhibitor arc drawn from place to a transition means that the transition cannot fire if the corresponding inhibitor place contains at least as many tokens as the cardinality of the corresponding inhibitor arc. - Stochastic Processes
This means that a transition cannot fire if $T \geq C$, where $T$ is the number of tokens and $C$ is the cardinality of the inhibiting arc.
For example the following Petri net will transition into the next one:
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state RE <<fork>> state DE <<fork>> state PE <<fork>> state SE <<fork>> note left of PE: Prepare Email note left of SE: Send Email note left of DE: Download Email note left of RE: Read Email P1(•) --> SE SE --> P3(••) P3(••) --> SE:4, Inhibit SE --> P2 P2 --> PE PE --> P1(•) P3(••) --> DE DE --> P4 P4 --> RE RE --> P5 P5 --> DE
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state RE <<fork>> state DE <<fork>> state PE <<fork>> state SE <<fork>> note left of PE: Prepare Email note left of SE: Send Email note left of DE: Download Email note left of RE: Read Email P1 --> SE SE --> P3(•••) P3(•••) --> SE:4, Inhibit SE --> P2(•) P2(•) --> PE PE --> P1 P3(•••) --> DE DE --> P4 P4 --> RE RE --> P5 P5 --> DE
This example is non-functional as there are no tokens on the reading side. The buffer $P3$ will quickly become full.
I presume that no tokens are used when firing on a weighted, inhibited arc; but I can find no examples of this action.
Primitive Structures
There are several primitive structures that apply to real systems:
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<fork>> P1(•) --> T1 T1 --> P2 P2 --> T2 T2 --> P3
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<fork>> state T3 <<fork>> P1(•) --> T1 P1(•) --> T2 P1(•) --> T3
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<fork>> state T3 <<fork>> state T4 <<fork>> T1 --> P1(•) T1 --> P2(•) T1 --> P3(•) P1(•) --> T2 P2(•) --> T3 P3(•) --> T4
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<join>> P1(•) --> T1 P2(•) --> T1 P3(•) --> T1 T1 --> P4
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<fork>> state T3 <<fork>> P1(•) --> T1 P1(•) --> T2 P2(•) --> T2 P2(•) --> T3
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<fork>> state T3 <<fork>> state T4 <<fork>> T1 --> P1(•) T2 --> P1(•) T3 --> P1(•) P1(•) --> T4
stateDiagram-v2 state T1 <<fork>> state T2 <<join>> P1(•) --> T1 P1(•) --> T2 P2(•) --> T2:O
Semantic Data Models
These are used to describe the logical structure of data processed by the system.
- Entity-relation-attribute models are a type of semantic data model.
- No specific notation is provided but class diagrams are the most similar structure.
Semantic Data Model - Meta Example
direction LR
class Design {
class Link {
class Label {
class Node {
Design "1" --|> "n" Link: has-links
Design "1" --|> "n" Node: has-nodes
Node "1" --|> "1" Design: is-a
Link "1" --|> "2" Node: links
Node "1" --|> "n" Link: has-links
Node "1" --|> "n" Label: has-labels
Link "1" --|> "n" Label: has-labels
Data Dictionaries
Data dictionaries are a list of all the names in a system model:
- Descriptions of the entities, relationships and attributes are also included.
- It may be used for name management so that all names used in a system are consistent and do not clash.
- It serves as a store or organisational information so that all data is stored in one location.
Name | Description | Type | Date |
has-labels | 1:N relation between entities of type Node or Link and entities of type Label. | Relation | 5/10/1998 |
Label | Holds structured or unstructured information about nodes or links. Labels are represented by an icon (which can be a transparent box) and associated text. | Entity | 8/12/1998 |
name (label) | Each label has a name which identifies the type of label. The name must be unique within the set of label types used in a design. | Attribute | 8/12/1988 |
$\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ |
Object Models
Object models describe the system in terms of object classes.
Unified Modelling Language
Allows for clear representations of the structures in object-oriented languages. This will be covered later and has been partially covered in COMP122 - Subclasses.