This website houses notes from my studies at the University of Liverpool. If you see any errors or issues, please do open an issue on this site's GitHub.
What is Functional Programming? In a functional programming language everything is a pure function. The program is built out of pure functions. Simple functions are combined to build more complex functions. This very different style still allows you to do anything you could have done in an imperative language. Building...
What is a pure function? A function takes inputs and produces outputs. E.g. Input: $x$, Output: $f(x)$ In imperative languages, functions can do much more and are called subroutines. Every function can be implemented in a subroutine but not all subroutines are functions. A function maps inputs to outputs, however...
Views of AI Typical AI Application Areas Natural Language Processing Computer Vision Robotics Theorem Proving Speech Recognition Game Playing Sematic Web Search Diagnosis What is AI The goal of AI is to build machines that perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. This can also be construed as what is...
Staff List Floriana Grasso Module leader Alexis Nolan-Webster Employability officer A number of graduate teaching assistants Co-ordinate tutorials Guest Speakers Aims To provide the students with a wide-rage understanding of the discipline of computing, and to introduce students to concepts of professional ethics as well as social and legal aspects...
Covering dates and logistics of homework and lectures. Learning Outcomes Describe functional and imperative languages and the differences between them. Weeks 1 - 2 Apply recursion to solve algorithmic tasks. Weeks 3 - 4 Apply common functional programming idioms such as map, filter, fold and scan. Weeks 5 - 8...
Programming languages can be split into imperative and functional. This course will focus on the functional language of Haskell. Imperative programs tell the computer how to compute the answer. Declare variables Go around a loop Do the same instructions each time Functional programming languages follow mathematic definitions and focus on...