This website houses notes from my studies at the University of Liverpool. If you see any errors or issues, please do open an issue on this site's GitHub.
Unique Ethical Issues Much greater scale for one person to create harm. Can operate in their own home. However, just because technology has unique features doesn’t meant that it makes new issues. Policy Vacuums These are gaps in out laws and policies provided by new situations and capabilities. The fact...
Ethics has evolved over time. If you want to be specific there are currently four phases between 1950 and the present day. Summary Phase Time Period Technological Features Associated Issues 1 1950s - 60s Standalone mainframes. Artificial intelligence and database privacy. 2 1970s - 80s Computers connected via privately owned...
This lecture is on tail recursion. Strict Evaluation of factorial fact 1 = 1 fact n = n * fact (n-1) When calling fact 4 under strict evaluation the computer will compute the following: 4 * fact 3 4 * (3 * fact 2) 4 * (3 * (2 *...
Sums and Products of a Sequence Given a sequence of numbers: \[a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_m,\ldots,a_n\] we can use the notation: $\sum^n_{i=m}a_i$ to represent $a_m+\ldots+a_n$. $\prod^n_{i=m}a_i$ to represent $a_m\times\ldots\times a_n$. Following from this you could combine indexes to make multiple iteration: \[\sum^5_{i=1}\sum^5_{j=i}(i+5)\] Here you would apply the sum using $j$ for each sum using...
Developing Ideas Chairs All the chairs in a room are labelled with a single digit followed by a lower-case letter. What is the largest number of differently numbered chairs? Generally, to do this you would multiply the base of each digit together. Bits How many different bit strings of length...
Assignment 2 ER Designs Always have a relationship on connections between two entities and never have two consecutive relationships. Don’t use arrowheads as there are no flows. There should be no shared attributes. Weak entities should be denoted by a weak relationship to denote the parent They are allowed to...
Lazy Lists Lists are never evaluated until they are needed. This means that take 1 [1..10] is just as efficient as take 1 [1..1000]. Infinite Lists The reason why we are able to make infinite lists is a result of lazy evaluation. As evaluation only happens right at the end,...
Evaluation Strategies inc x = x + 1 square x = x * x So square (inc 2) = (2 + 1) * (2 + 1) = 9 . How does Haskell evaluate this? Strict Evaluation In strict evaluation, we always apply the innermost function first: square (inc 2) square...
Independence and Disjoints
$P(A\vert B)=0$ if $A,B$ are disjoint.
Unless $P(A)=0$, there are not independent.
Independence is about the dependence relation between evens however disjoint just means they don’t happen as the same time.
A Graphic Guide to Normal Forms Bases on Functional Dependencies Consider your typical relation: \[\begin{aligned} \text{TypicalRelation}=&\text{KeyAtt1, KeyAtt2},\ldots,\\ &\text{KeyAttN, NonKeyAtt1},\\ &\ldots,\text{NonkeyAttM} \end{aligned}\] For the table you could see the following: graph LR subgraph Key a[Only these attributes.] end subgraph Non-Key b[Some Attributes] end a --> b This is not in 2NF...