This website houses notes from my studies at the University of Liverpool. If you see any errors or issues, please do open an issue on this site's GitHub.
In order to establish a TCP connection and send commands to a server you can use the following skeleton code: import*; import*; public class EmailSender { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Establish a TCP connection with the mail server. Socket socket = new Socket("",1025);...
This tutorial is focused on the tutorial 1 exercises which can be found here. Part 1 Schemas: Students(first_name, last_name, birthday, s_id) Enrolments(s_id, course_code, year) Students - 4 columns by 5 rows Enrolments - 3 columns by 9 rows Creating tables: CREATE TABLE Students { first_name VARCHAR(20), last_name VARCHAR(20), birthday DATE,...
This tutorial had the aim of recaping the various features of Java. You should revise the built in methods and classes from the Java package and also recap use of Thread. Final Final Classes - Cannot be extended. Final Methods - Cannot be overridden. Final Reference Variable & Fields -...
String Concatenation This is the product of two words. It is obtained by appending them together to form one long word. s = abb t = bab st = abbbab ts = bababb It is non-commutative. These strings can be defined formally: \[s=x_1\ldots x_n , t=y_1\ldots y_m\] \[st=x_1\ldots x_ny_1\ldots y_m\]...
In this lecture we will be doing step 1 from the previous lecture NFA to DFA Conversion (Determinisation). Eliminating $\epsilon$-Transitions Consider the following $\epsilon$-NFA: stateDiagram-v2 direction LR [*] --> q0 q0 --> q1:Epsilon, 1 q1 --> q2:Epsilon q1 --> q1:0 q1 --> q0:0 q2:q2 To convert this to an NFA...
Service Requirements Data Integrity You may need 100% reliable data transfer for some types of data transfer. Media streaming can often compensate for loss. Timing Some apps require low latency for effective use of the application. Throughput Media streaming often requires a minimum throughput to be effective. Security Data encryption...
Network Applications These are programs that: Run on different end systems. Communicate over the network. As this is a layered system there is no need to write software for the network-core devices. Client-Server Architecture The server is: Always on host. Permanent IP address. Can use data centres for scaling. The...
This is basically the same as in mathematical sets. Consider the following table: birtday first_name family_name e_id 1990-11-10 Anne Smith 1 2000-02-05 David Jones 2 2995-05-09 William Taylor 3 Executing the following query would give the following table: SELECT first_name AS name FROM Employees UNION SELECT family_name FROM Employees; name...
These aren’t required to form a valid query and are extensions to standard queries. SQL queries have the following form: SELECT [] FROM [] WHERE [] GROUP BY [] HAVING [] ORDER BY [] The first two parts are required to have a valid query. WHERE This is already mostly...
This lecture is very similar to COMP107 - Requirement Elicitation. The enginerring process goes as follows: Requirement elicitation - What services does the end-user require? Requirements analysis - How to we classify, prioritise and negotiate requirements? Requirements validation - Does the proposed system do what the users require? Requirements management...