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UoL CS Notes

Abstract Classes

COMP122 Labs

UML diagrams including abstract classes and interfaces can be drawn in the following way:

Degreeable <|.. Dog
Emailable <|.. ResearchCouncil
Billable <|.. ResearchCouncil
Degreeable <|.. Student
Billable <|.. Student
Emailable <|.. Person
Person <|-- Lecturer
Payable <|.. Lecturer
Person <|-- Student
Lecturer <|-- Professor
class Person{
    -name String
    -email String
    +greet() String
    +getName() String
    +getEmail() String
class Student{
    -grade int
    +getGrade() int
class Lecturer{
    -timetable String
    +getTimeTable() String
class Professor{
    -budget int
    +getBudget() int
class Degreeable{
class Billable{
class Emailable{
class Payable{
class Dog{
    -goodGirl Boolean
class ResearchCouncil{
    -name String
    -email String
    +greet() String
    +getName() String
    +getEmail() String